Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Started 3:45 AM - Finished 7:18 AM

O' how tiresome that I am.
My soul cries within me. O' how I pray for Your mercies upon I, my people & or fathers before us that sinned & O' YHWH, had made with them. O' how I pray and make intercession for those that know You not, for them who have turned their backs on You.

They have forgotten You, YHWH. I pray for these and also pray that You overlook my own transgressions; for nothing is hidden from Your sight. Yes, not even the things committed in the darkness of secrecy.

You see all and all Your judgments are righteous and true. Father, O' YHWH, my soul cries out that You swiftly recompense the counsels of evil and their schemes of wickedness. But Father, have mercy upon Your chosen and those whom You Love; be merciful and shed You grace upon us. Like morning dew fallen upon the open field at the first light of a new day.

I pray and desire Oneness, that we all be One in Your Love and walk accordingly in the characteristics of Your Love that You have sent from on high. From Your holy habitation stretch forth Your right hand and heal us.

Though the many of this age know You not; they shall surely know of You in that day, and they shall fall and bend the knee before You. Yes! They shall kneel and be ashamed of their vain idols whom they worship as their mighty ones whom they considered to be their elohim (g-ds). You, O' YHWH of Hosts overthrow them all because of Your righteousness.

O' restore Your people Y'sryl to their sovereignty, that they will all consider Your goodness & declare Your Name among the peoples. O' wake up! You who sleep! Open your eyes! You that desires out of the vanity of your imaginations to keep them shut! Perceive the Light of YHWH of Hosts, you who were created of the dust of the living earth!

For you were yet lifeless when your vessel was formed; but YHWH of Hosts has breathed into the man the breath of life and given man his spirit and precious soul. Spend it not, nor invest it not in vanity; things that are already passing away before you were conceived and formed in the womb of your mother. Grieve her not, and do not grieve the very Being of YHWH. For He has given you life.

He has shown compassion to those that seek His face. Be humble and walk with Love that extends past the limitations of that which the world considers to be love.

So say YHWH of Hosts,

"For the world knows only lust. For if the world knew Love and walked in it, it would have accepted you also, because you are of Me. Because the world has forgotten Me and also has rejected Me; I that have created the world and all the things that dwell therein, seen and unseen, they will also reject you."

Be reminded of His character. For He reveals what can be seen, that which is unseen, and the things that can be heard, that which is unheard of. O' how I have bowed down and consulted with You, O' YHWH of Hosts. Yes I have also lamented for my brethren and cried in the early hours of the morning and the mornings past. And also during the late hours of the night.

For I have not been given to sleep. O' how my soul hates sin, and plead the case of Your people. Day and night, the late hours and early hours. How I remember and consider Your gracious nature from my youth past, even to this day.

O' YHWH, how You have comforted those that have been pained, and sent out the spirit of encouragement to those who are in discomfort and have felt at a time hopeless and powerless. For it is neither by our power nor by our might; even if we possessed it, that we obtain victory over our trials. But it is by Your very Spirit that we overcome.

O' how the rulers of the kingdoms of the earth have oppressed us continually. For we Trust and hold fast to Your Salvation.


O' how we are pressed upon every side. Yet the Joy of Your Love is within us. Happiness is fleeting but True Joy is everlasting.

O' how a man falls in his sins and is caused to be crushed by his sins internally. But when a man returns to You, Father, who can measure Your mercies? Who can truly condemn him, whom You Yourself has forgiven? For YHWH alone is Judge over all. Both those that exercise goodness and over those that exercise wickedness alike. YHWH of Hosts judges all.

Who is he that can measure Your greatness or the glory of all Your works? Who in the Heaven of heavens, or upon the earth or beneath it can measure the greatness and Majesty of Him, who is without beginning or end? Who among the sons of men can proclaim YHWH is His entirety?

For we know nothing of our own accord, but only that which He wills to give to us to know. He is Gracious because He has given us choice to seek out the things to know that can be obtained, but the unknown and the secret things He chooses to reveal to those whom He wills.

May He be glorified!


Turn to Him all you sons of men! Honour Him with your entire mind, all you heart and all your soul. Love Him first above all other things, He is provider of all goodness. For Love must be given and taken freely. YHWH of Hosts will not force Himself upon those that will not consider Him; but who can withstand His will? Surely all will answer to Him in the Day of Judgment and give account to all that they have done.


O' you, His people. Let us consider what His Prophets had spoken in times past, lest we bring harsh judgment upon our heads. Let us put into place a humble and loving spirit towards one another in the sight of YHWH the Almighty that it may run with among us. Let us even forgive those whom we find it hard to forgive, in all truth, that those who observe may ponder the goodness of Him who dwells in us. Forgiveness is a characteristic of YHWH of Hosts. But He alone will judge their works and acts, even the acts towards others.


In doing so we become better in character. For it is not us who live to ourselves, but we live to YHWH and commit ourselves to YHWH. That it is not our own righteousness that we receive the glory, but it is by His ways that are established within us and His righteousness. Wherein His characteristics of His Holy Image are manifested through our actions. To YHWH is all the glory. For it is His righteousness and not our own.

Hear and lay it to heart, all you His people; and take heed all you who stand afar but have not come to Him through Yahushua the Messiah. For YHWH and the Truth of Him is from everlasting to everlasting; and Truth cannot change, but Truth can change everything else. For there is only but One Truth that has always existed. And there are many, even countless lies that have been conceived over the course and ages of time.


For in the land of sin no peace is found. For many forsake the Battle of Truth, and sought after false peace. Becoming comfortable and committing that which sin accepts.

In Yahushua we may have peace, but in the world we will have tribulation...

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