Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

                          Galations 6:10

                   As we have therefore opportunity , let us do good unto all men , especially unto them who are of the household of faith .

                               Lord help us here if we ever even truly get the revelation in our heart of hearts, that once we are in the body of Christ , that alone should change how we look at each other , especially those in the family of God . I realize that I have sisters and brothers whom I have never met and may never meet whom stretches across this whole world . No one can make the difference in your heart but you when it comes to the view of family.


                               Someone has to start treating everyone whom they meet like they are important whether they believe  it  or not so why not start with you . Having a mind of Christ and operating in spiritual principles make it really hard for any of us to see that people are important to God . Not talking about the church that you attend , what denomination you are , what title you ma have or even your calling , even if it  is not in the five fold ministry .


                              If we truly have the mind of Christ , which should give us the desire and then walking in spiritual principles which will give us the power . Do you believe this is possible today ? Do you believe that with all that is happening , all the crime , all the mess and even wars that making a difference is possible ? I find , that there are those of us who will attempt this because we have defeated this principle in our heart .


                              In tis case we will think , why bother because of this will not make a difference anyway . We think that people will be people and will continue to do what they do so why waste our time going around showing love when it will not make a difference anyway . Isaiah tells us whose report will we believe ? In other words ,do you choose to believe the report of Jesus that you can still make a difference in the life of someone else .


                              Or will you choose to believe that no matter what you do that it will make no difference . Remember that you do have an extended family that needs to hear from you just to know you care .

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