Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

4 But He answered and said, "It is written, ..Man shall not live
by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth
of God."

You may neglect the Word of God and still exist, but you will not enjoy life
-- really live -- as God intended, without feeding regularly on God's Word.

Just as you need physical food to remain strong physically, you also need
spiritual food to stay strong spiritually.

God's Word -- the Bible -- is the food that feeds our faith,
and gives us spiritual strength.

Every day you need to feed, at least some, on God's Word.

A helpful key is to develop good habits, such as reading the Word every time
you eat food, or every morning when you awake,or right before you go to sleep.
The time is not important, just that you remember every day.

There are many ways to feed on God's Word available to us today.
Reading, or listening to, teaching from the Bible is one way.
Speaking the Word -- especially when you personalize it, can really build your faith fast.
Of course, nothing can replace your own reading of the Bible, or having it read to you.

Most of us have busy schedules.
Time is scarce, and we must invest it wisely.
Nothing will benefit us more -- both in this life and in the one to come -- than feeding on God's Word.

All of us can find time for God's Word, if we want to.
You can write Scriptures on cards to read and meditate on whenever you are
stopped in traffic, or whenever you have to wait for someone.

Maybe listening as you travel, or as you prepare for work, is a good plan for you.

The important thing is that you have a plan, so you don't let this most important habit slip.

Seeing the Word. Hearing the Word. Speaking the Word.
Thinking about the Word.
This is what builds our faith and keeps us strong spiritually.

SAY THIS: I will feed my faith daily on God's Word.


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