Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
The record and account according to the remembrance of Prophetess Sandra Dukes
Thereby God’s Word and God’s Power It Was Set
The words of Sandra daughter of Adrienne
Now it came to pass that in the year of our Lord 2012 a cry had went out to the people that there would be a 2nd Annual Gathering of Sons and Daughters in the month of May on the 18th and 19th day. This decree being ordained by God had been declared and sent forth by the Apostle Adrienne Williams who founded the United Nations International Ministries. Now it had been established by God that Adrienne the Apostle was to be re-commissioned as an Apostle with all noble rights and robed in Episcopal Consecration as a Bishop. And God had touched the spirit of the Apostle Bishop Anthony B. Johnson her father in the church to preside and by his side was affirming Apostle Bishop Derek T. Harris, and the Bishop Carolyn Archie standing in watch, thereby the consecration was set. And God had spoken to the apostle, Adrienne, and said “Consecrate these daughters so that they may fulfill the mandate that I your God have entrusted unto them”, thereby the Affirmation and Commissioning was set. And God had touched the heart of the man called Lorenzo Neal, the senior pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, who was reverent in his ways to the Lord and filled with compassion for God’s people, thereby the sanctuary was set. So upon the 18th day the people began to gather in Jackson, Mississippi coming from the north, south, east and west and congregating in New Bethel to give praises unto the Lord and by His Word forever be set.
The Episcopal Consecration
So I came to Jackson, and was there three days. And it had been many stumbling blocks and distractions; illnesses and darts for we the people of God that journeyed to Jackson and for we the people of God who waited in Jackson. But the move of God was not to be deterred, detoured or destroyed, for the hand of God was upon us. And what seemed to be a delay seen with the physical eye was a divine blessing seen with the spiritually discerning eye, for the hand of God was upon us. For when we began to talk among ourselves we found joy, hope, and strength… and power… because what had been meant to distress us became an accolade to our binding and intertwining as a One true people of a One true God with the One true Word. And our accolades became acclamations becoming exclamations becoming exhortations until we were swept by and slain in the Spirit, for the hand of God was upon us.
And the Holy Ghost came to us like a mist and transformed upon us into a downpour.
And I heard in the distance, sounding from the ages… Miriam’s timbrel and the women’s hand drums and tambourines; and my eyes came into agreement with my spiritual ear.
And I heard “Divine Charge” And I saw “Divine Change”
And I saw there was dancing and singing
And the Prophetess Skye, the dancer, butterfly limbs of song became angel wings of divine praise; and the Prophetess Ethel who was also the Evangelist began to whirl for the Holy Ghost dance encamped upon her feet and divine words danced out of her mouth. And my spirit man hushed my voice and quieted my steps to observe and to witness.
And there was a signing and a sealing. And there was a declaration and a proclamation, for the hand of God was upon it.
And the Mother – the Apostle – The Bishop Adrienne spoke the words of our Lord saying
“It Is Finished”
And the Celebration Lasted All that Day
The Ordination
And the Celebration Proceeded Into the Night
And I conceived as never before… the word “And” epitomizing Our God who is “the Alpha and the Omega.” HIS Genesis Beginnings and Revelation Endings are Omnipotent for He is ever-present; His continuous, unstoppable words, works and wonders to perform and to behold.
And the Chief Consecrator spoke
And as we lay, each upon the threshing floor a God’s head conception was implanted; a supernatural impregnation brought forth by the impartations from the Heavenly Father. For what the apostolic bishop father possessed had been given to the apostolic bishop daughter Adrienne whom she had imparted to three of her daughters, and being fully examined was the Prophetic Charge given to us.
And when this was all done; again, it was twice, I had saw The Chalice of the Living God. It was then the bishops said “partake of the consecrated wine of the Eucharist” and we received the body which we ate and the cup of which we drank in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the second Adam.
And as we, my sisters Prophetess Skye Powell, Prophetess Ethel Buchanan and I knelt while the Prayer of Impartation was laid upon on our heads and the “Princely Spirit of God” was poured upon us, again we were swept up and slain. “For it was He [God] whom bestowed the same Spirit upon His beloved Son Jesus Christ, with whom He endowed the prophets, and by whom His Church is built up in every place to His glory and the unceasing praise of His Name.”
And again we were charged and the declaring of heaven was confirmed and received. And as is the Holy Order of the Prophetic we became yokefellows with the apostles. We are cloaked in Christ’s inheritance in the church and God’s cosmological order. We are Prophet Daughters of God’s lineage and legacy.
On Top of the Mountain
And when this was all done; again, it was thrice, I had saw The Chalice of the Living God. And again we were swept away by the Holy Spirit. And where we had lain on the church floor we laid on the mountain top and it was flat. And where our elders, the four, had stood before us in the church, and the pulpit, they stood before us on the mountain top. And there was a stone altar and rings of wood ablaze. And each time I would rise I would then be lain and each time I saw more.
And there was a spiraling down from the third heaven a supernatural braided umbilical cord of three becoming one, birthing out the peculiar among the peculiar people, supernatural prophetic triplets.
We became an entity of three selves in itself. We were a part of… yet apart; a piece of… yet separate; different yet the same, the paradigm of the number three… The Trinity… Father, Son Holy Ghost. In Comparison To The Trinity We Recognize and Acknowledge and Are In Full Agreement We Are Mere Nothings As A Mere Teardrop Is Among An Enormous Flood. Yet we have become a noble contraction of man’s carnal understanding and an affirmation of God’s prophetic abilities. We being established “became” for God’s purpose, a whole consisting of three fractions of one-thirds. A braid of three intertwined and purposed by God to be one.
Reverent Care of the Mantle
And each time we rose we were slain. And each time we saw and heard more, for the mantle was of vast weight; some was given to us to witness and some was given to us to share and some was given to us to be kept hidden in the heart, for an unbridled tongue has no wisdom and relinquishes its power.
And I looked down the mountain and saw the people and I was eager to rush down and witness to the glory of the Lord and what had transpired. I was filled with the joy of what the Lord had shown me… God’s power invested in our elders, the bishops and my sisters, and of the holy people who had witnessed.
And the Hoy Spirit said “The climb up the mountain was hard and difficult but the scaling down Must Be Done with Reverent Care for it is far more treacherous coming down than climbing up. Many a leaders have fallen coming down ...keep your eyes lifted up to Me and not down to the people. Keep your hand in My Hand for many will say “Here take my hand I am here to help you” only to let you plummet to the ground. Stay focused, Stay humble and Stay on Me.”
And the Celebration Lasted All that Day and Proceeded Into the Night of the 6th day and we knew even then the Holy Spirit would linger to greet the people of New Bethel the next day, the 7th day which was Sunday.
Later as I dreamt the vision again appeared
And I looked down the mountain and saw the people and from a far off I saw my sister, the Nehemiah woman*. She was standing against a wall with mortar and bricks in hand ready to rebuild and behind her stood more mountains.
Acknowledgements and Appreciations:
A Special thank you to my loving sister Prophetess Valeruis Lindsey* my dear friend whose support was God sent. She became ill and was not able to be with us in body but who was surely there in the spirit.
A Special thank you to my loving sister Dr. Willene Luper from Dallas, Texas who traveled to Jackson to worship and celebrate with us and who was constant help.
A Special thank you to my friend Designer- Minister Angela Hawkins of “Women of Elegancy Robes” for creating my vision; I felt your prayers as I journeyed.
Prophetess Sandra Dukes-Anointed Works SD©
Licensed to preached the Gospel December 04, 2009
Consecrated and Inducted May 19, 2012
To God be the Glory Given, Bless His Holy Name
“And the word in me is the God in me”
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