Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer



We are told, "every day, nearly 7,500 people are newly infected with HIV and nearly 5,500 die of AIDS" . Most of the victims are in Africa. Evangelical Christians especially in the West are right to be critical of the promiscuous lifestyle that brought about most HIV/AIDS cases, but that does not mean we should deny that they need Christ, His love, and mercy. The Church needs to love and demonstrate the love of Christ to people who do not know Christ as their Saviour. There are Christians who are caught in the web of HIV/AIDS because they refused to make Christ the Lord of their lives. While we must rebuke, we need to show them that we love and care for me them.


Although many African countries are very poor and could do little to change the situation, the few rich countries in Africa have done nothing to at least change the situation while at the same time others have either denied the existence of the problem or continue to turn a blind eye to the reality on ground. It is also noted that many countries receiving funding are diverting it to other uses including their own personal desires. Brethren, I mean outright embezzlement of funds meant to help the sick and dying. Well, let's move on...


Together through herbal research and development, we can find a remedy and reach many with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can change the situation in Africa. I challenge development agencies from outside Africa who have been championing the cause of Africans facing the HIV/AIDS scourge to consider engaging in ethno-botanical research with the view to finding more effective, economical and safer natural remedies.


Please join me through prayer, financial and material support to bring about spiritual healing as well as physical healing to those suffering in Nigeria and other nations in Africa and beyond.

I believe in holy living, and that homosexuality, lesbianism, and other forms of sexual immorality are against the Word of God. I do not support the use of condoms as a means to control the spread by the Church. I believe in abstinence. But I also believe that all sins are sins and all attract God's judgment. The most damning which is the rejection of Jesus Christ as Saviour. Jesus died for all sins and sinners can find find only in Christ. My ministry is to reach the lost sinners with the gospel message, with compassion and the love of God for their spiritual and physical salvation.



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