Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

How Strong the Name Jesus Really Is...

Hello Family and Friends... I have been gone from the site for a while now..Sept 3 2009 the devil came and tried still my Joy..but what he didnt know was I had a Praying MOTHER..I was one of those who was a little too grown for my own good..prayed when I had time too.HUH..KNOW GOD KNOW PEACE NO GOD NO PEACE..that the truth..

Friends That old devil had my soul bound to depths of hell..had me going in every directions but to Jesus..

This was a simple day home off the road and enjoyin the day with my fiance..HUH..12:00 man knock on the door(said he was sellin the house I was living in) hour later.. repo man came pick up both of my cars said my payments was comin later and later..Okay..Im stayin out side cryin mountains..screaming to the top of my voice..realizing I had no where to go.I beleive I cried for many days and nights until I was to weak to eat, talk to friends and family member..

.I called my aunt in Florida, she said, baby the time has come to open my bible and stay in it..Hurt fill with pain I figure that would take too long to accomplish..HUH.. I dropped on my knees and beg da lord to save me, show me, help me for I had done wrong but I need him that instance.. I think some times the Lord showed me "TOUGH LOVE" but he never ignored me. MUCH PRAYER,MUCH POWER..

Long story short..Praying day in day out..calling the lord my his name..morning noon and night..At first I was just reading and speaking silently to my self but I started confessing what the lord had already done for me and speaking as if its already had manfested..

Praises went up BLESSIN started pouring..I soon started having door open up for me that I was even unsure about..It was like it was to real to be true..but I gave glory to God for giving me his strength thru it all..

Friends and Family callin His name makes me feel even secure in my daily walk cause Im forsure Im on his right hand..`He save me time and time and now I can only live by obeying his laws..What a friend I found In Jesus..

That was a stepping stone that today has brought me closer to my savior and living for the right reasons..This was a maturity lesson and a lesson well learn..Needless to say I am working on buyin me a house (not rentin) and got a car with no payments( paid cash for)..

The power of God was reveal to me thru tough situations but his mercy, his strength and his grace pulled me thru it..

With the Love of Jesus my friends and family have a blessed Day..

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Comment by Min. Donna Dixon (Rinnah Bat Yah on April 2, 2010 at 4:33am
When we are weak , he is strong! Praise Elohiym (God) for all that he has done for you, just want to send out a great big "Thank you Father" for the testimony of your glory from this sweet Sister. Keep on keeping for you have truly been a kept Woman. Stay Blessed in the Beloved!
Comment by Michelle Hawkins on April 1, 2010 at 4:05am
What a powerful testimony. Yes Lord!!! You are good all the time and all the time You are good. To God be the glory. Lord we just love you.
Comment by Ms Tayanda on March 31, 2010 at 10:55pm
As the old sayin goes...when u learn better u do better...

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