Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

                         John 3:17

               For God sent not his son into the would to condemn the world ; but that the world through him might be saved .

                         Matthew 28:19

                 Go ye therefore , and teach all nations , baptizing them in the name of the father , and of the son , and of the holy ghost .


                                             Because we are talking about our relationship with the world , there very well may be times that we will find ourselves in harm's way just as Jesus did himself . After all , who wants to go to the slums , the ghettos , the back alleys and even in area's where crime is high for the sake of putting their lives in danger that someone else might be saved ? Do you not know that there is not any man who has been born of women .


                                             No matter what they might have done , might be doing today and even will do in the future that Jesus did not come to save . At the same time we must remember that Jesus at no time gave us the right nor the authority to choose who will come to him and who will not . Jesus did not say just to go to the safe places where they might receive us . but to go to the utter most parts of the world . Teaching all nations .


                                              Matthew 28;20 tells us what to teach them and it tells us to not be afraid because he is with us . I believe that it is safe to say that a lot of us would not go to the dangerous places for fear of our own lives because we forgotten that Jesus said that he will be with us and or we simply do not trust him to protect us when we go . The good thing about being saved , when you think about it we know that death is not the end .


                                              But the beginning which should make losing our lives foe the sake of the gospel not so bad . I believe that for many of us , the enemy uses the threat of death to silence and scare us from truly doing what we should be doing . Remember this , the world is doing what it does and I believe the world will not get any better because it has already been written by God himself .


                                               So the key to us and our relationship with the world , especially in this day and time to be concerned with the state of this world , but to be more concerned with the status of souls.


                                                                As Christ Himself !





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