Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Scylla by William Pye » by mira66)

« In The Vortex » is an energetic instrumental put together while toying with ideas leftover from « Informaëlstrom » and « Leftoverturned. »

The intent here was to communicate the experience of feeling enthusiastic and determined despite being faced with a demanding or overwhelming challenge.

The title refers to Esther Hicks' concept of the vortex, or to be more precise, to the experience of being in that vortex, a state of mind characterized by purposeful joy and focused forward motion.

The demo is a shorter version of the composition which was edited to fit the requirements of the Melodic Revolution Records Theme Song Contest held in 2009.

Here's the accompanying poetry :

where is that road unknown leading to the apex
so many paths outgrown, the memories perplex
bearing this cross of stone, this addictive reflex
to self-denial prone, self-fulfilling the wrecks

like an angel, fallen, caged behind bars of steel
competing with Chiron, uncongenial ideal
a praiseworthy healer who themselves cannot heal
a sought after teacher hankering for the real

no gain in lamenting, dwelling on what's unfair
better to keep going than fall prey to despair
reaching the objective is no simple affair
achievers, selective, of woes avoid the snare

discerning right and wrong is neither here nor there
one will not hear a song who finds fault with its air
if harder to summon, love stands beyond compare
neither couth nor common can do without their share

and therefore a gulf lies, obvious in plain sight
between doing what's wise and wielding what is right
those who have seen the prize, inspired by its delight
are watching from the skies, unhindered in their flight

building a momentum, unrestrained energy
rise ad infinitum, defying gravity
joy is summum bonum, ultimate therapy
live to the maximum in serendipity

forever on the mark, no cause for atonement
the flow maintains the spark, the zone yields attainment
angels cooperate, in perfect alignment
choices perpetuate eternal contentment

unburdened by concern, miracles allowing
fortunes occur in turn, signs are multiplying
the sun shines on the world, the lovers are smiling
bright banners are unfurled, cups are overflowing

all the blocks are released, living without complex
a neverending feast in the neocortex
grinning wide at Chronos, with eyebrows circumflex
at one with the cosmos, basking in the vortex

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