Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Have you ever asked God to do something through a prayer that was based in the future? In other words, you are praying in the hopes of something happening down the line. This type of prayer says, “Lord, please heal me” or “Father, please cancel my debts.” While these prayers may be based in good intentions, they are not prayers of faith. Faith always deals with what has already been done. By faith we take ownership of what God has secured for us. Through the Word, we can see exactly what belongs to us and then meditate on the promises of God until our faith can appropriate them now. Jesus has completed the work; all we have to do is receive it.

God’s grace has made available to us everything we will ever need in this life. However, it is going to take faith to access this grace, or empowerment. We cannot be passive as Believers and expect to see the manifestation of what God has already done for us. We received salvation by grace, through faith. Our salvation includes our soundness, wholeness, deliverance, healing, and prosperity. It is by faith that we take possession of those finished works.
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” God has given us everything we need to have an extraordinary life. Healing, prosperity, deliverance, and abundance are part of the “good works” that God has established before the foundations of the world for us to experience. Just like we received our salvation by grace, through faith, we must also lay hold of each of these aspects of our salvation on a daily basis. 
The Word of God says that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). Notice the Word says, “has blessed.” We are not waiting to “get blessed” because we have already been blessed through our relationship with Christ. These things have already been done. Would you agree that healing is a spiritual blessing? Guess what, it already belongs to you. Financial prosperity and debt cancellation? Those are spiritual blessings that are yours as well! The spiritual realm is the “parent” realm of everything we see in the natural realm. That means that if you need healing, it exists in the unseen, spiritual realm. By releasing your faith in the grace of God, you can withdraw the resources you need from the spiritual realm so that they show up in the natural realm.
The key to laying hold of the finished works of Christ is the Word of God. We must make meditating and speaking the Word our priority. Faith for the spiritual blessings of God comes as we immerse ourselves in the Word of God and allow it to change the way we think. The more we meditate on the Word and confess it, the stronger our faith will be. We will move from a “God, I hope you’ll do it” mentality to a “Thank You, Father, that it’s already been done!” mindset. When we start thanking God for what has already been done, refusing to come off our confession of the Word of God, it won’t be long before we see the very things for which we are releasing our faith come to pass.
One of the keys to releasing faith for manifestation of the finished works of Christ is to acknowledge those good things that are within us, according to Philemon 1:6. This means that when sickness tries to attack our bodies we acknowledge that healing is within us already, and we draw it out by faith. When the enemy tries to attack our finances with lack and shortage, we acknowledge that we possess prosperity and abundance within our recreated spirits. By giving voice to and acknowledging what already belongs to us, we put our faith into motion.
It is time for Christians to stop hoping and praying that God will do something and start believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ. He has secured our total life salvation for us, and we must start walking in what belongs to us. Don’t panic in the face of trials and tribulations. You possess a storehouse of spiritual power on the inside of you. Boldly declare what Christ has already done for you and stand immovable on God’s Word. You will see it come to pass.

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