Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My friends, I count it all glory to be treated as Christ was treated. Myself and others have been bringing TRUTHS to the body of Christ as we are led by the Holy Spirit. I speak about the  so called holiday of Christmas as well as Easter .  These are pagan oriented and our God "WILL NOT" mix His glory with rituals and customs of pagan worship. I pray that the Holy Spirit will lift the blinders off so many that will not receive this word. These are not little matters to be taken lightly. Our God is a jealous God and He will "NOT" stand for this practice . Because this is not a word so many do not want to hear, I have been even called legalistic, as if this is such a terrible thing to be. The days are rapidly coming to the days as they were in Noah's time.


Many, many if not MOST of the churches as well as the preachers do not want to even hear the truth any more and they will be held accountable. I can not even find a church to go to any more that is half way right. I will not worship our Lord in front of a Christmas tree or beside a cross with Jesus hanging on it... Dear friends it was enough that our dear Saviour was crucified once BUT year after year after year the church puts Him back up on that cross! How that must grieve the Father to see this played out over and over again. Below I give you the definition of Legalism....I am honored to be called a legalist! PRAISE GOD!!!


If you say that someones language or ideas are legalistic, you are criticizing them for paying too much attention to legal details. Sin is sin.... and labeling false doctrine as false doctrine and conclude that such attitudes stem from our narrow-minded legalism.


Dictionary of Philosophy which defines legalism as: “The insistence on a strict literal or overt observance of certain rules of conduct, or the belief that there are rules which must be so obeyed.” Christians who decry legalism invariably turn to the book of Galatians for a Scriptural indictment of legalism. Galatians is the book that speaks against legalism and warns believers not to let themselves be put under the law. But this “legalism” described and written against the Galatians is not the legalism spoken against today. The Biblical concept of legalism is far different. the thinking of most people has been heavily influenced by the thinking of humanism. Humanism is diametrically opposed to all rules, standards, codes of conduct and moral absolutes of any kind. It believes that everyone should be free to do as he pleases. Those who disagree are labeled “Legalists.” Secondly, most people want to use their liberty for an occasion to the flesh (5:13). They do not want anyone telling them that some of the things they enjoy may be wrong so they banish all such suggestions by labeling them “legalistic.”


The real issue is this: should we teach do’s and don’t’s in Christian living? Should we preach that there are standards which ought to be maintained and deeds which should not be done? A large crowd would say “no - don’t be negative - don’t be legalistic.” But what saith the Scriptures? Every page of Scripture lists things we are not to do. The first page of the Bible tells Adam “thou shalt not” and the last page of Scripture warns not to take away or add to the words of the Book. All of Scripture has rules of what to do and what not to do. Every page is replete with “thou shalt” and “thou shalt not.” To say that rules of conduct are only found as part of the Mosaic law is certainly a misrepresentation of the truth. The problem in Christianity today is the seeping scourge of humanism that has saturated the minds of Christians, Christian leaders, Christian authors and even preachers.


Humanism maintains that the ultimate goal of man is to enjoy himself and develop his potential without the restriction of outmoded taboos and irrelevant rules. Humanism says that each one must decide for himself what is right and what is wrong—no one else should interfere. This is the thinking that causes Christians to throw off any restraints and label them as “legalism.” In so doing they open the door to the inroads of all sorts of worldliness, questionable conduct and ungodly living. Christian standards have been discarded, Christian conduct has sunk to the level of the world and all is done to the theme of freedom from the law. Christians are free from the specific ceremonies of the laws of Moses. Certainly Christians are free from the necessity of keeping the law in order to gain salvation. But that does not make Christians free to do as they will and live as they please. God has His directives for Christian living. He tells us what to do and what not to do. There are not 10 suggestions but rather 10 commandments. The Beatitudes promise blessing to those who do and do not do certain things. Every epistle in the New Testament is replete with injunctions, commandments, prohibitions and orders. The person who seeks to obey the Scriptures is a Biblicists, not a legalise. Then we have the argument that we are saved by GRACE...We don't need the rules anymore! BUT my friends "GRACE" doesnot give us the right to break the rules as set by God and then expect that we are ok because we are under grace....What a grave mis-stake to think this way. Are we legalistic? No, we are just people who believe the Bible and are simple enough to believe that if God says, “do it,” we ought to do it, and if God says, “don’t,” we shouldn't. The accusation of legalism is a phony accusation trumped up to excuse those who prefer to ignore the directives of God’s Word and live to satisfy themselves.

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