Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Let US apply the blood of Jesus

Let US "STOP" putting the blood of Jesus on you say...when we say he can't change him/her...they are too far gone...No way they can be saved...or she ain't delivered/he ain't healed...Jesus can reach the the unlovable...saved the ask me HOW I know because the blood saved m......e, changed me, redirected me, healed me, delivered me...from a hateful person and fill ME with his love...The blood of Jesus has miraculous power, hallelujah I am proof and you can check my DNA!

THE BLOOD WILL NEVER LOSE IT POWER!!!! Hallelujah Let US stand firm and believe that Jesus specializes in impossibilities those tough case he's like Mr. Clean he will erase the stain, hallelujah! My God by faith... Let US stand up and proclaim his glory in the lives of the drug dealer for there is nothing to hard for our God; in the lives of these ... wayward teens/young adult rebellion spirit ... Can be broke with one application of the blood; Let US stand firm by faith that his word is true he will show us great and mighty things that we have no seen...glory hallelujah JESUS WILL/SHALL change the hearts and minds of people his glory would flow in the street that will cause MAN eyes to open up my God I feel a Revival in the land, glory hallelujah where HIS glory is flowing in the streets, malls, banks, sidewalks and even the church, glory man are falling to their face in repentance because we stop putting the blood of Jesus on trial, hallelujah! Reign Jesus Reign! Apply the blood of Jesus today! THE BLOOD WILL NEVER LOSE IT POWER!!!! GO AHEAD CALL HIS NAME JESUS, JESUS, JESUS…GO AHEAD APPLY THE BLOOD SWEAR IT OVER YOUR LIVES TODAY!

What is too hard for our God NOTHING for God is ABLE...say with me with conviction GOD IS ABLE see we keep forgetting that God (Jehovah, Abba Father, Elohim, El, Yhwh) so love the world he gave his son (Jesus, The Messiah) and his son (Him the Christ) gave his life that we would have the right to the tree of life; Jesus came that we would have life and have it more abundantly but he also told that there would be trial and tribulation but to be of good cheer because he overcame the world. We have to put into action because faith without works is dead there is power in the tongue let speak of the POWER for the blood will never lose it POWER. Jesus ministry began at 30 years old although he did have a moment in 12 years old we told his parent he had to be about his Father's business the hour is well spent Let US get about our Father's business and apply the blood to the situations, circumstances, dilemmas, concerns, trials, mishaps, distractions and distractions let get back to basics Let NOT forget where our POWER SOURCE we can do all things through Christ that strength us all we have to do is open our mouths and he will speak through us we have a Commission (Mandate) each of us was given the power guess what some of us will water; some of us will plant but it is HIM who will give the increase so let us decrease and let Christ increase in us. Maybe I am just talking to me but all I know is many are dying by the wayside, many want to give us; many are hungry and we are not feed them Jesus told Peter feed my sheep Jesus kept asking him (Simon) loves thou what God is saying loveth thou me then feed my sheep my God I have to go here woe to the shepherd that scatters my sheep Peter was grievous because Jesus ask him three time (3). My God let us no long grieve the Holy Spirit when it leading us to share a word Yeah that very word can change someone lives; let us have an ear to hear the impulse of God's love for his people, my God someone very life is at stake today. They don't need our opinions, judgments or instruction they need JESUS the blood apply to their lives my God their sins forgiven my God. My heart is overwhelmed but the cries in the land people all over wanting an answer and the answer is simple JESUS...JESUS...SWEET JESUS!

Jesus, GOD IS SPEAKING HE THAT HAS AN EAR HEAR WHAT THE LORD IS SAYING TO THE CHURCH...FEED MY SHEEP get out of your flesh and apply my blood who told you the blood of Jesus doesn't have power; who told you Jesus is not ALIVE he is ALIVE interceding for you and me daily...who told you I can reach the unreachable...who told you to add to my word...who told you to stop doing the Father's business...who told you otherwise and cause you to shrink back...My God! Feed my sheep; apply the blood to every area of your life; move by love and compassion take the scales off you eyes; deafness in your ear; WAKE UP and pull foreskin off your heart love again...again I ask thou love me then do what I have Anointed you to do GO...Shout from the rooftop the blood still has miraculous power to heal every manner of disease/sin; the power to deliver from the pigpen we are in yeah I the blood has power to have cause people to come to themselves; the blood can still knock a man off a his high horse and look up and say thou are LORD; yeah the blood still has miraculous power that all I have to do is send a word, hallelujah! Yeah the blood will never lose it power so what you waiting on I already called, chosen you and commission you to feed my sheep go in the highway, byway with love and share the good news of Jesus and for all you who thinks it not enough you are sheep know my voice and when then hear it they will not follow go ahead open you mouth for I will speak through you Yes I will I will cause the heart to turn back to the Father...stand by faith prodigal sons/daughters are returning to the flock...go ahead Shout because your neighbors/coworkers/friends/foes can't come up against the blood of Jesus stop fight a human fight we not wrestling against flesh and blood "WAKE UP PEOPLE" this is warfare the enemy has plague the minds of God's people and cause them not to believe put your armor on we are up against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places apply the blood...say it with me satan we rebuke you and the BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST you and if you forget devil I give you a fast forward we win; we triumphant in Christ Jesus overcomers by the blood of the Lamb, hallelujah so all you high places must come down everything that exalt it name above the name above all name (Jesus) must come down, hallelujah.

My sheep are hungry not for your programs or what you think feed my sheep tell them of the good news of Jesus Christ it okay they are prepared to hear they just wanting on you. So gird up your lions with truth; as we apply the blood to our lives, the lives of others and SPEAK my God; as we shod our feet with the preparation of gospel of peace follow peace with all man refusing to curse them that spitefully uses but blessed them all the same, hallelujah as we put the helmet of salvation; the breastplate of righteousness; put our sword of the spirit the word of God knowing it will never return unto God void but it has a purpose to change the hearts and mind of his people, hallelujah having the shield of faith to do the work that was assigned to our hand knowing it will prosper; knowing we can stand and having down all we can continue to stand on the word of God knowing the blood of Jesus has miraculous power, hallelujah giving thanks as we pray hallelujah, hallelujah my Go ahead ask them what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus for without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sins; tell them there is no way to the Father except through the son, Yea you have to be born again tell them and then disciple them. God we are equip to do as commission to go ye out hallelujah with power Holy Ghost power to bring about change in the land for the blood never lost it power; as our minds are renew as we let this mind that be in Christ Jesus be ours and do our Father's business by giving hope to the hopeless; loving the unlovable and reaching beyond borders, hallelujah we give thanks for we say thou loveth you forgive us for not exalt your name above every name, hallelujah for there is a name Jesus above every name and we know every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD, hallelujah that he is the only begotten son, the lily of the valley; our Advocate, Redeemer, Master, KING, Friend the door, hallelujah the great Shepherd and we are his sheep so today we apply the blood nothing STANDING BY FAITH THAT IT WILL NEVER LOSE IT POWER....APPLY THE BLOOD IT GUARANTEED, HALLELUJAH!

Evangelist Annette Chesson
Pray NOW Ministry

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