Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


I first thank God for waking me up this morning and starting me on my way. I thank him for the activities of my limbs. I thank Him for the air I breathe. I thank him for the storms that He brought my way and brought me out of. I thank Him for my children, my children children and all my family and friends.

Even though this childofgod is going through storms with mother nature. Storms in my personal life. Storms with friends and families I still give God all the thanks and all the praise he deserve. I thank him for giving me a computer that I can get on and communicate with people across the world. I thank him for all who have come across my path on these ning sites. The brothers and sisters He has placed in my path. I THANK GOD FOR BRINGING ME SAFELY THROUGH HURRICANE IKE AND LETTING ME SEE THE CALM AFTER THE STORM.

I thank Him for the relationships that did not work for me. I thank him for making me strong when I was weak. For lifting me up when I was down. For showing me the light when I felt I was in darkness. For giving me the knowledge, wisdom, understanding when people do me wrong so that I can still say to them I love you with the love of Jesus.

I thank God for making me the woman of God that I am. I just love Him. There is so much that I give God thanks for. I ask God to keep strengthening me and using me to do His work.

No matter what you are going through continue to thank God. No matter what the situation my brothers and sisters in Christ give him thanks. Lift him up. The devil will bring all kinds of stumbling blocks ur way. He will use your family, finances etc to bring you down to where he can stray you away from God. No matter what Our God is more powerful than that devil. Keep trusting in God and keeping the faith.

Yes there are times when we just want to give up because we are only humans and live in a fleshly world. Think Jesus and He will always bring us through. Dont give up on Jesus. He may not answer your needs or ur wants when you want him to but dont give up on Him. He come through when its His time not our time. Have patience. Know that God also want us to do what is right and His will in order for Him to give us all we need and give it abundantly. Its just like when we have children and we want them to do right in school, home etc and when they do we give them little appreciation gifts to show we are proud of them.

God want us to do the same for Him. We want to receive from God but we don't want to do what is right to receive the gifts He has in store for us. Turn the other cheek when someone do wrong and let God handle them. Sometimes that may save our lives and those around us. It takes two.

Life is to short live it as if its our last day. Don't just praise God and pray to God to help you only when you are in need. praise him when you are at your lowest.

What do you have to thank God for. I love you all with the love of JESUS...


Don't Give Up On Jesus/Daryl Coley & Vanessa Bell Armstrong

Jehovah We Praise You: By Beverly Crawford

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