Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I don't know how it is in the cities in which you live, but it is without a doubt getting worst in the one i live in.

What i am getting to is these children running amuck with no respect for the elders of the community, parents, teachers, even the church as come under attack ie. stealing copper plumbing, air conditioners, the House of God i am talking about!

Black on Black crime so many murders of the hopeless and lost, gang activities even heard of new tatics where these criminals use a baby seat placed on the side of a grassy street with a doll inside to get a woman mostly to stop so they can carjack the car, and yet another where these same people throw eggs at your windshield so the driver will turn on the window washer to try and remove the egg with the washer solution mixed with egg makes it impossible to see because it turns the glass white and you will have to stop where they carjack and rob the victim.

13 to 18 year old kids are being slaughted in the streets, many innocent victims of stray bullets, not just the boys but the girls are just as bad nowadays. kill someone and they dare for anyone to tell who did it even if no one could ever find out who told who did it people are afraid, who is worst the one who pulled the trigger are the one who saw the entire event and refused to tell law enforcement because of fear and not wanting to get envolved.

What would Jesus do?

What would you do?

If the victim was a family member, come on now we all have hotheads in our families, retribution an eye for an eye.

Is this the way the scriptures teach us we already know the answer to that.

Pray my brothers and sisters in christ, pray for this generation that wears the baggy pants and the tight short pants and skirts that ride up and down the streets blasting vular lyrics that belittle women, and brag about who they have killed (put in work on) pray like your life depended on it because it just might!

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Comment by Sharon Reid-Robinson on July 31, 2010 at 1:41am

There is a force out to annihilate our children before they can grow.
I shall make him known to you; in the event that you do not know.
I call him “THE OLD DARK ONE”; though he has several names.
Deceit and obliteration are only a few of his wicked claims to fame.

It is bad enough that he wants to kill and annihilate the full-grown.
He won’t be satisfied until he has every child in a hell of their own.
In my day things didn’t happen this way; kids didn’t kill each other.
They didn’t beat their teachers; rape their sister, disrespect mother.

As our kids ruin our families are we now looking to give up on them?
Throwing up our collective hands is to leave our children out on a limb.
We cannot allow the old dark one to win or lead all them into his empire.
There has to be a way for us to assure that our posterity escapes the fire.

There is music sent directly from hell; that is created to capture their will.
It teaches them that to sell drugs is cool; that the way to be a man is to kill.
The music of today’s youth is designed to accomplish the evil one’s purpose.
They don’t know what is going on; what they know won’t graze the surface.

I am agonizingly awake to the fact that many young parents don’t go to church.
I pass the corner on Sunday; they sit there as if they were birds meant to perch.
The Word says, “Teach the children the way to go and they won’t from it depart.”
How can they know of Jesus if they have had no knowledge of Him from the start?

I have chosen the long way to my point; that is one of my many pleasures as a poet.
I cannot permit there to be any facts omitted; what you need; I want you to know it.
What you need to know as a parent; Jesus expects you to teach your very own young.
If you have no facts of Jesus and His Gospel; go the God’s Word and grab you some.

The internet is full of Jesus; Satan also has his sites; his chance to spread his word.
No reason on this planet to say that The Gospel is something you have never heard.
On Judgement Day there will be questions; we must each answer for all we’ve done.
What will be your reply, if asked, “Why didn’t you teach your offspring of my Son?”

By: Sharon Reid-Robinson
Comment by Stephanie K on July 3, 2010 at 8:35pm
wow, I could not have said it better, all these things are going on and you are right people are afraid to get involve because of what could happen to self or other family members...if you call the police they want to show up at your door so everyone can see who called them....I will continue to pray for our youth and the communities.

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