Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

God's Love
When God created the heavens and the earth and so it made us, he did everything so perfect, every part of our body, our cells, our senses, we are perfect (passionate love), man sins and God begins his work of forgiveness, seeing the inclinations of man God sent his Son (passionate love) that created the all things, who shared with him the history of the earth since its creation, for whom it was done, asked her to be the mediator between us (passionate love).

We would send a son, a brother to one of our parents to die for someone else? That person also has these features: nagging, foul-mouthed, bitter, ungrateful, and forgetful.

Here God shows his passionate love, it did not matter the features or the condition of man, He sent His only son to redeem us, the most beautiful verse of the Bible
John 3:16-17, as God's care.

The love of Christ
How do you show her passionate love for Christ?
Since Christ was born, I knew, knew, was sure of his time on earth, grew, had friends, was always a fair person, loving, merciful, who shared all prepared forty (40) days in the wilderness, fasting (passionate love) for their ministry, He was the Son of God available to legions of angels who serve him and he did the job, but he became an example of perseverance, strength, purpose, perseverance, domain. In the Beatitudes, Jesus directs our lives, if you act this way, this will be your reward, your time on earth Jesus raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, lame freed up possessed, and cured many diseases (passionate love) this was done in the company of his friends (disciples), when serving his time in the garden of Gethsemane begins the torture, the soldiers arrive, a friend sold, only one raised his hand to defend him and then fled everyone, left, they denied (passionate love). Is prosecuted, not found guilty and sentenced, he was slapped, it defaced with blows to his face and body, spit, he placed the crown of thorns, was beaten thirty-nine (39) lashes (scientifically proven to suffer from the disease 39 human, or every lash a disease that took our Savior), and present Christ to the people He healed, liberated, carnal and spiritual food and all shouted Crucify! What would Christ in these times? I love passionately, never mind, my Father loves me yes, the Holy Spirit is with me, I love you, no matter it is for everyone. Pierced his flesh with nails, hung on a cross, was made a curse (passionate love), yet the insults endured in the midst of so much pain just said Father forgive them for they know not what they do, and Chapter 53, we see that it was GROUND by each of us. Pain, pain and more pain of body and soul (passionate love). When Christ will present His blood atonement before God as a loving Father and He will heal the wounds and comforts of such great sorrow, Christ left us a Comforter (passionate love). Jesus, I kiss the scars on your forehead, your back , those of your hands, your side and your feet. I want to hold and be silent, just hug.

The love of the Holy Spirit
When Jesus begins his ministry is present the Holy Spirit, empowering, supporting, where Christ led the Holy Spirit manifested itself, begins the work of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus ascends to heaven tells his disciples to wait a bit, demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit was so glorious miles of fire appeared, because the Holy Spirit is the power of God (passionate love) the disciples are beginning to take and to be witnesses of Christ, to meet to pray, to intercede, to find more anointing (passionate love), Jesus takes Barnabas, faithful servant and appears to the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus (glorious meeting) expands the gospel, the Holy Spirit revealed in the Bible, Christ's followers are tortured, persecuted, dead (passionate love), when we allow the Holy Spirit takes control and refine all areas of our lives, give rise to fruits of the Spirit that are pleasing to our God and Savior (passionate love)

To ask the Holy Spirit sensitivity of the heart, to mourn with those who weep, suffer like we were prisoners, he works wonders, remove impediments, shapes our character, brings order to our lives, teaches us to manage our time, now we We will recompense to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit our passionate love constantly tell you that we love, told in words and deeds our gratitude to each one individually, as are God the Creator, Son and Holy Spirit Comforter Salvador, particularly I try to be constantly in praise, I love music and try to invest in these three praise, think much about the Word, verses and there are many ways to worship that fall short of suggesting how to make, we each have our way The important thing is that we do, and thanks for choosing us since the beginning of time to be his people.
Let us show you God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, every day our passionate love.

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