Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Many spiritually blind believers
think that they truly are disciples of Christ,

but they go out telling the world
that Jesus Christ will not
take away the sin (singular ‘SIN’—ALL SIN) of the world,
as John the Baptist plainly said under inspiration of God,
that He would (John 1:29)

And that Jesus Christ
even though His Father plainly said that He is (1John 4:14)

And that God will not have all mankind to be saved,
though God inspired Paul to say
that He WILL save all mankind (1Tim 2:4, & 4:10)

Are such deceivers worthy
to be called disciples and apostles of our Lord?

The briefest outline of how God "saves us"

Jesus Christ must first "CHOOSE" us (John 15:16)

You don’t choose him... until He first chooses you!!

You have no "free will" by which you choose Christ

Christ CHOOSES YOU, or you aren’t chosen!!

The Father then "DRAWS"
[Gk: ‘drags us’]" us to Christ (John 6:44)

You don’t come without an invite!!

What may seem...
like a "free choice" on your part to come to Christ,

is in reality-the Father dragging you
by many unseen circumstances beyond your view or control

By GRACE, God gifts us with FAITH (Eph 2:8)

Both are from God; man contributes NOTHING!!

If you don’t give God credit for all of your faith
then you don’t have any faith...

because faith comes ONLY from God!!

Then "the goodness of GOD
leads you to repentance" (Rom 2:4)

Our repentance originates in GOD, not in ourselves

If God doesn’t lead someone to repentance
then they CAN’T REPENT!!

We are spiritually "BAPTIZED into Christ’s death" (Rom 6:3)

"For he that is dead is freed from sin…

For SIN SHALL NOT have dominion over you:
for ye are not under the law, but under GRACE" (Rom 6:7 & 14)

And it is the grace of God ONLY that will save us!!

But HOW and WHEN?

What does it mean to be "under grace?"


"For the GRACE of God that brings salvation
has appeared to all men, TEACHING US
[Gk: ‘to train, educate, discipline,
punish, chasten, instruct, learn, teach’]
that, denying ungodliness and worldly lust,
we should live soberly [with a sound mind],
righteously, and GODLY, in this present world"
(Titus 2:11-12)

If you are not doing this and growing every day,
then you are not being graced by God,
and you are not on your way to salvation

The grace of God
into obedience to all of God’s
Spiritual laws and commandments

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