Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Col. 1:10 That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and adesiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, bacquaintance, and recognition]. AMP

Going to heaven when you die or after we are raptured is a wonderful thing. To be in another dimension with Christ forever has got to be a wonderful experience and it will far surpass the pleasures of this life. But heaven is then and this is now! We have to be here for now, so why not make the best of it? We must learn that there are disciplines we must adhere to in this life to make a better way for us to live and dwell here. We have to control our flesh, our thoughts, our will, and our emotions if we ever plan to allow the fruits of God's precious Spirit to operate in us. We cannot do what we want, desire, and think, all the time and expect to have God's blessings in this life. We must understand that God's Spiritual fruit come with his Spirit, but must push through our flesh to operate.

Our decisions control our moods, so we have to make better decisions to be better Christians. If we want to reach the world and experience the power of God in our purpose, we must make decisions that allow God's spirit to continue to be projected through us. You see, being moody and emotional in a negative sense hinders your witness, and causes you to make temporary decisions that can ultimate change the way God's Spiritual gifts and fruit is portrayed. Having no control over your flesh or your moods, will change the way you walk and talk about Jesus. If you make bad moves all the time, you will reap bad situations that will change the way you feel and cause even more bad decisions. You don't want to keep putting your self in situations that will change your course and cause your mood to be affected negatively because when the love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance of God want to shine through you, it cannot because your mood won't allow it. We must understand that because we are in the flesh, we must discipline it so that the Spirit of God can be active through us. We do this by making better decisions and thinking things through before we act so that our actions will not always be reactions. Saints of God, walk in wisdom and keep God first in your decisions so that you will not have to reap the carnal moods that ultimately hinder your faith and block the fruits of God's Spirit from operating through you.

Suggested Reading: Rom. 6:4, Eph. 5:15, 2Pet. 2:10, Col. 4:5

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