Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Life consists in what
a man is thinking
of all day.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mr. Emerson understood the concept I am about to explain!
One of the devils greatest tactics is to deal with our "MINDS"!!
The "BATTLEFIELD" is in the mind. He cannot read our minds, BUT he can plant thoughts there and if these thoughts are not immediately cast down they will work toward our destruction.
llCorth.10:5, say's to cast down every evil imagination
and to bring every thought captive to Christ.
Any negative thought is here, considered evil. God is "ALL" positive!! In Gods' world, we must die, in order that we might live....(Give up our old ways and become born again) "OUR", world is turned around, not Gods'. If God would have said in the beginning, "Yep, sure is dark out there!", we STILL would be living in the dark, BUT He said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!", and there immediately was! Since, we, as His born again children, are made into His image, we also have POWER IN OUR WORDS. We get, what we speak! If we speak sickness, we get sickness! If we speak defeat, we will be defeated! and so on...BUT if like our Father, we speak the desired result and NOT speak and dwell on what we feel and see, then and ONLY then, will we start to see a conquering spirit within us. You want health to a sick and seemingly defeated body? Speak health! Decree it and declare it in Jesus name! He died, so that we might live and He took all our diseases within the stripes He bore on His back and we "ARE" already healed in Jesus name! We just NEED to claim it and have the faith to believe His word. Wake up every morning and speak to your body or circumstances whatever they may be BUT speak positive words. Speak the desired outcome "NOT" the situation or problem you may be facing! Someone once put it this way: When you speak a negative word, (even if it is what you are seeing and feeling) you give the devil permission by your own spoken words, to see that this disease or hardship stays with you. he goes before the thrown of God and says, "Did You not say that Your children shall have whatsoever they speak? AND God answers, "YES". Well, then says the devil, I just heard so and so say they were sick, or they were broke....ect.) Your very words of negativity chain Gods' hands from bringing forth your desired healing or miracle, and loose the devil to see that you stay that way, and not receive anything from God. We crush our own prayers by our words of negativity.
Wake up each morning and make the devil shiver when your feet hit the floor. Speak into your situation, positive words regarding your desired outcome and God will move mountains to get to you what ever it is you are needing. If you are looking for a healing, speak health. Say, "Lord thanks I am healthy!" Thank You that I have more than enough! Disregard your situation BUT speak the desired outcome, AMEN!!!!
If you WANT the POWER that comes with our spoken words and the POWER to ward off the evil one ,then Jesus died for you, so that you might have life and the same POWER to fight the evil one as Jesus did when He walked this earth over 2,000 years ago. We as Gods' children are called to do AS JESUS DID when He walked this earth and called also to do even GREATER works than He did, because once you receive Jesus into your life, we become more in number and much more wide spread across this earth. Jesus was one, BUT we are many, when we accept Him into our life. Jesus, said, "He must go, that the HOLY SPIRT, might come and once we are indwelt with HIM we have the very same power within that Jesus had when he walked this earth. To be born again is to be assured a place in the kingdom one day. Yes, when we become born again, the Holy Spirit is WITH us, BUT to have Him actually reside INSIDE us, is a separate deal. We MUST ask the Holy Spirit to come and live inside us. BUT ONLY after being BORN AGAIN, we must receive Jesus first! The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not move in unless asked. Holy Spirit inside of us is what gives us the POWER to fight off all the enemy attacks in Jesus name.
Father, I know that Your Son died for me. Was dead, buried
And rose on the third day, AND now sits at Your right hand.
I am asking You, Jesus to come and be my Lord and Master.
Take control of my life. I give it to You, In Jesus, name, Amen
(We talk to the Holy Spirit, NOT pray to Him-say out loud with
your arms open wide)
Holy Spirit, come! Live inside of me. Teach me, lead me and guide
me, I welcome You, in Jesus name to take control of my life!
(NOW remember The Holy Spirit is INSIDE of you! Speak to Him often!
Go to Him for advise. He is our teacher and comforter)
Things do not change; we change.
-Henry David Thoreau
Mr. Thoreau had it right! In order to see things change, we MUST change.
It all starts with US! The definition of insanity, is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results!! Speak different and WATCH GOD MOVE.....
Written by Margie
Inspired by God
© 2025 Created by Guardian.
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