Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The flying » by Anchise Picchi)

i remember, once, i couldn't walk
sure, i could move by myself
but i couldn't walk
perhaps, i didn't feel the need to
possibly, i was happy crawling on hands and knees

yet, i could see
and from what i could see, others were walking
obviously, they had stood up, and they were walking
and i was not, but hey, i was happy crawling

and then one day, i don't remember why
i tried to stand up, but i couldn't and fell down
and so i kept crawling
i could move by myself after all

still, i could see

and then, on another day, i felt the need again
and i tried to stand up again
and i almost did, no, in fact, i did
but not for long, it seemed my legs were too weak
and so i fell down again
and i kept crawling
but, i knew something had changed
something had changed, i knew

and then, on many other days, i feel that need again
and again, on many other days
and i stood up, and i stayed up
each day a little longer

and then, when i would stand up
i could move my legs and take a few steps
before falling down
and then i would stand up right away
and i would keep on taking a few steps
before falling down

and falling down was frustrating
and sometimes even painful
but taking steps was so fun
every day i could walk a little further
every day i could walk a little faster

and then one day i noticed
that i didn't even notice when i walked,
and you should have seen how fast i could run !
i could really move by myself
but i couldn't fly
perhaps i didn't feel the need to
possibly, i was happy walking

yet, i could see
and from what i could see, others were flying
obviously, they had jumped up, and they were flying
and i was not, but hey, i was happy walking

and then one day, i don't remember why
i tried to jump up and fly, but i couldn't and fell down
and so i kept walking
i could move by myself after all

still, i could see

and then, on another day, i felt the need again
and i tried to jump up and fly again
and i almost did, no, in fact, i did
but not for long, it seemed my wings were too weak
and so i fell down again
and i kept walking
but, i knew something had changed
something had changed, i knew

and then, on many other days, i feel that need again
and again, on many other days
and i jumped up, and i stayed up
each day a little longer

and i can remember
the day that you joined us
and together we flew
and reached ever higher

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