Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

One Voice- One God- With a Moses' Instinct ...Voices… “Let My People Go”

MARCH TO THE RIVER… with a Drum Major Instinct SERIES

Apostle Dr. and Rev.Mrs. Okenwa

"And the LORD spake unto Moses, go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him,
thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me." Exodus 8:1

One Voice- One God- With a Moses' Instinct

The apostolic and prophetic voices of Apostle Dr. Ibe Okenwa and Reverend Mrs. Clarisse Okenwa are spirits united in the covenant of God, love and holy matrimony. They sing out in harmony across the motherland Africa, from the Yaoundé Central Province of Cameroon, crossing the seas to other countries Holy Ghost and gospel filled. They are a reciprocal army of two who are forging a way of Christian charity and love under the banner of righteousness and holiness for God’s sake and His holy kingdom.

Apostle Dr. IBE OKENWA

President / Founder Jesus Reigns Ministries International /
Ibe Okenwa World Harvest Outreach and
End Time Apostolic Prophetic Army of God

End Time Apostolic and Prophetic Army of God

A ministry raising and equipping men and women for God’s end-time move (Judges 6:12)

“Position Yourself for Supernatural Lifting “(excerpt)

“There are always conditions towards achieving goals in life. There is process to attain to ones vision. In every achievement there is preparation and proper preparation prevents poor performance. My prayer for you this year is that you will be prepared to perform in Jesus name. The passage which God worded to me for the year is located in Genesis 41 verses 14 and 41. Verse fourteen of Genesis chapter forty one says “so Pharaoh sent for Joseph and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh (14) “so Pharaoh said to Joseph, I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt” Gen. (41:41).Joseph is an express example of a man who was promoted supernaturally. His altitude was below people’s expectations of him. At seventeen, he had dreams that almost cost his life and as a result of that he was sold into slavery. Subsequently he was sent into prison for a matter Potiphar bluntly refused to investigate. After Joseph was sold both his brothers and his father could not imagine he was still alive. This year God will cause a manifestation that will review your destiny beyond people’s expectations. God will resurrect things people thought are dead in your life, your ministry, your marriage, your finance etc. This year God’s desire is for you to walk and operate in the supernatural”.

Read in entirety Apostle Okenwa’s message and holy scripture directives to a positive and productive Christian life and lifestyle.


Raising, building, promoting Christian women leadership for excellence (John 4:10)


“The word of God is symbolized by the light. The word shines in darkness, light shines in darkness but these ones refused to receive and comprehend it. It is of the nature of light to shine and its glory can never ever be hidden. No matter how one tries to hinder, ignore or oppose the word of God in his life, he will not succeed. It is of the nature of the light to shine as I said; trying to hide it is a vain venture. The word we hear, speak and read will be a judgment over our lives for it can neither be concealed, nor opposed. The word stands and speaks for itself. The right attitude toward the word of God is to accept, receive comprehend and submit to it. Let us allow the light of the word of God to brighten our lives on a daily basis, as the light of the day brightens the day. As the word dwells in us it will perform its creation ability and power in us and we will become the creators and inventors we were meant to be. Doesn’t the bible say...Ye are gods but ye die like mere men? Ignoring the word of God in our lives keeps us at a one-dimensional level of operation. God created us to operate both at natural and supernatural levels. We are deprived of our divine dimension when we look down on the word of God and fail to live accordingly”.

Read Rev. Mrs. Clarisse Okenwa’s revelation from the book of Genesis of God’s Word, Light and Life in its entirety.

Pastor and Co-Pastor Okenwa -Church Congregation

Vanessa A. Williams and African Ancestry on ABC News

Actress Vanessa A. Williams reaction to finding her African roots to Cameroon.

Always with Love,

Your Sister in Christ Jesus

Prophetess Sandra Dukes-anointedworkssd

“The word in me is the God in me”


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