Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Ganjoji in Izushi » by 663highland)

The third part of « The Door Of The Law » is entitled « Parable » and presents the part of the story wherein Simon, the Zen student, reads to his master the bewildering parable.

Once was a man who had made it
Up all the way to the Door of the Law
No obstacle had made him quit
No one burden had caused him to withdraw

There was a guard at the summit
Right on the path leading to the entrance
Duty was his to keep the wall
And greet the man who would seek admittance

The sentry said "I cannot let you in
At this moment but in time you might see
The day when your prize you're allowed to win
Permission to move onward and past me"

Thus the man sat and waited on and on
Day after day hopefully restlessly
Staying up late and waking before dawn
Struggling to retain his sanity

Out of patience the man would take his chance
And his way in he would attempt to buy
But the other would not alter his stance
No matter how often the first one would try

"It is no use giving your properties"
The sentinel responded politely
"I only consent to your briberies
So you do not give up hope entirely"

Then came a day when the man felt too old
Fearful that death was about to claim him
Resigned himself having spent all his gold
Took one deep breath and expelled one last whim

"Pray tell me whom else might this door enthrall
So many years flew by in mystery
I have been told that the Law is for all
How come no one made it here but just me ?"

"I will explain" said the guard in return
"This door was made for no one but for thee
As you now die your last spark I thus spurn
The door I close and complete my duty"

« The Door Of The Law » is a suite in six chapters inspired by « A Parable About A Parable » from RAWilson's « Quantum Psychology, » itself inspired by Kafka's « Before The Law. » (There is also a video adaptation by jackhalfaprayer.)

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