Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Pass the Knowledge of the Kingdom of God rule to Masses.

TRACT NO 6 on one page. You can print out, can make omission of my name and contact and make it into tracts. Give out the message on tracts to people in your community, church, city, or country as God leads you. You can reduce the message size for Newspaper publications and also make it simple if you can.

You can be revealed Heavenly Jerusalem Invisible things of the Kingdom of God if the Holy Spirit can indwell your soul to interpret the Bible in the knowledge and wisdom of God to abolish from your soul the Historical Bible visible things of earthly Jerusalem Kingdom (World) which are copies of heavenly invisible things that were seen by human eyes by substituting them with heavenly invisible things in pattern. Gal 4: 21-28.Use KJV Bible for all the quotations. Heb 10:1-9, 1 John 5:7-8, Col 2: 10-23.

a) Earthly Visible historical human Moses is substituted / replaced by Heavenly invisible Moses who is the Old Bible Covenant Bible from GENESIS TO REVELATION that is read and misinterpreted in human knowledge to this day 2012 onwards. 2 Corinth 3:13-15, 1 Corinth 10.
b) Earthly Visible historical jesus christ in human body, a prophet who preached 2000 years ago in Israel of the Middle East, a copy of the heavenly invisible one is substituted / replaced by the Heavenly invisible Christ Jesus who is come in a volume of a book from GENESIS TO REVELATION and is READ and INTERPRETED BY THE ENABLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 2 Corinth 3: 13-15, Heb 1: 1-13, 1 Peter 1:17-25, Heb 10: 1-9, 2 Corinth 3: 13-15, 2 Corinth 4, 2 Corinth 5:16, Isaiah 45:7-8, 1 John 5:7-8, Col 2: 10-23, Rev 5, 1 John 2: 7-8, John 1: 17-18.
C) Visible earthly Historical human Abraham is substituted / replaced by the Heavenly invisible Abraham whose invisible heavenly women, Sarah and Agar are Covenants and are also a parable of Heavenly Jerusalem and Earthly Jerusalem respectively. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6, Gal 4: 21-24, 25-28, Isaiah 54.
D) I do not have time I would also write a contrast between the visible and invisible Israel as is explained by the Holy Spirit in Rom 2: 28-29 and I would explain Daniel, Adam, Isaiah, Paul, John etc.

By Pastor Patrick Bwayo.
Tel. 0782612426.
E mail:
We must move very fast to bring the harvest. I am impressed by the Lord God that I should buy space in secular Uganda Vision newspapers or Monitor Newspaper in my country to post this massage in news papers. Can you please assist will payment of doing this at 299.000 Uganda shillings which is equivalent to $ 120 everyday for any number of days you can afford to fund this venture. If you helped me to run the message for week, we can reach thousands and thousands of people in Uganda. I can also do so in Kenyan and Tanzanian Newspapers. Please let me know if we can do this together through my Fb message page.

Be wise and keep your treasures in the kingdom of God by redeeming time.

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