Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please don't let me walk this one Alone

Greetings, my name is Kevin Dyer and I reside in St. Louis, Missouri. I am 42 years old and father of 5 beautiful children. I live a spirit filled life and enjoying every moment I spend with my children, family and friends. I believe the creator has more in store for me in this journey called life. I share my story with you in hopes that my children understand what living is about and how much you should enjoy life. My depictions may be graphic but I want everyone to paint an accurate picture of my life. 2. In April 2001, I was diagnosed with having an irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, & an enlarged heart. The left side of my heart was weak and it made my right side work harder. I couldn’t walk from the kitchen to the living room without becoming dizzy and shortness of breath; most times, I couldn’t breathe while sitting down. I couldn’t even talk because I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t keep down food and often found blood/white foam while throwing up. I couldn’t lay flat in the bed and required many pillow’s to sleep. I got bigger than I ever was. I didn’t want to go to sleep because I felt I would die in my sleep. Out of fear, I made many friends online for communication because I didn’t want to sleep.
When the right side of my heart grew weaker, I didn’t have any strength to do anything. Even though I tried to show strength, my body wore weary. I didn’t want anyone to think I couldn’t do for myself. I have always been the strength for most to lean on. However, I got real pale and that’s when they began to see me at my weakest point. I stop wanting to live and didn’t care anymore. Doctors wanted to give me med’s for depression but I refuse to take it. I was dealing with weakness and dizziness, uncontrollable thirst and hunger, blurred vision, sweating, itching, drowsiness, difficulty walking, difficulty in breathing, chest pains, swelling, excessive nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or stomach pains and mood swings. Anyone would have been depressed with those symptoms. Clearly, I needed more than treatment for depression. Here is when I lost it and just wanted to die! I was so confused that I didn’t know who my own son was. I was cold then hot, chilled and feverish. After the milrinone drip, different medications & therapies were tried to improve my condition, my heart continued to fail.
In Oct. 2008 I had open-heart surgery where a LVAD (left ventricular assist device} was inserted. This device is also called the Heartmate II. It's a miniature mechanical pump that was implanted into the upper part of my abdominal wall and connected to my heart at two different points. This pump helps my weak heart pump blood while I await a life-saving heart transplant.
According to Transplant Living, in 2007 the cost of obtaining a donor heart, evaluation fees, doctor fees, hospital costs, post-operative care and immunosuppresive medication, the cost of a heart transplant is a staggering $658,800. Without this transplant, the doctors have estimated I will have 3-4 years to live. I'm not asking for hand-outs or for pity. Join me in saving my life! I'm asking for your help with the cost of this necessary surgery that I may be here to watch my children grow & flourish. Imagine living with a "time clock" over your shoulder.....that is something I've had to deal with for the last couple of years of my life. There are many things I want to do in this life, many contributions I have to make to the world and many things I want to teach and experience with my children.
As a strong, proud man, it's difficult for me to ask for help, but I know I can't do this alone. So, I ask you to consider this as you read this letter. What if this were your father, son, husband, or brother facing an untimely death.
For more information on the Heartmate II, my condition, or costs of this surgery please visit the following websites:

To donate to Kevin Dyer with PayPal, just click
on the following link or copy and paste it into your web browser:

Many Blessing to you & yours
Mr. Kevin Dyer

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