Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Father God the glory is all yours. Thank you for everything you have done and are doing in my life and the lives of those that are touched through my dedication to you. May others find your love and your healing in their lives and through their lives as well. Thank you for connecting us and protecting us. For providing our needs and removing our wants. Thank you for the love you have taught me and continue to teach me. For giving me a heart that feels what you feel. And for renewing me each day so that I may continue to rejoice and seek your righteousness. There is nothing I have done to deserve your love and the grace you have poured out into my life. and through my life. It is only your merciful love that has brought me here and I choose to serve you. Remove the things of the world that get into my heart, past my armor and give me the wisdom to speak of your holy and righteous love. Help me to sow seeds as I continue to seek your kingdom. Your righteousness. And to not get caught up trying to save others, that I will leave that up to you. Let me move on in the river of life and accept the things I can not change in others. May your blessings overflow in the lives of those around me - abundantly. Show your power and remove my self. Let my desires in the flesh die and my attention always turn to the things above and not the things of this world. Thank you for your holy spirit and for not letting the wolves distract me from what you are doing. Help me to listen and not speak unless you call me to. Multiply the fruits of my spirit and use them to feed your children. And multiply them through them as well. Thank you Father God for the teachers in my life and for showing me who is of you and who is not. Hold me in your righteous right hand and continue to perfect my faith in you. Thank you Jesus for showing me the way. For the truth. And for giving me life. Let it all be for your glory. All of it. I lift your name on high and exalt you above all others. You are my risen king. There is none like you :) Thank you ! Have a great day friends. There is nothing Jesus can not do. Trust him. He heals hearts. ♥

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