Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Prayer – The Source of the Flame Part I

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Exodus 3:2 and the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

Prayer – The Source of the Flame
Part I

Jesus Christ the Intercessor
(St. John Chapters 16-21)

The Encarta Dictionary definition for the word,” intercessor “a noun as :( 1 ) the action of pleading on somebody's behalf ( 2 )the action of attempting to settle a dispute (3) a prayer to God, a god, or a saint on behalf of somebody or something . In the last chapters of St. John we witness time after time of God being an advocate and refuge for his disciples, his believers and in his final hour even the unbelievers and his murderers. In chapter sixteen Jesus words are given by “the Holy Spirit” when he speaks in prophecy and forewarns the disciples of the prejudices, persecutions and deaths they will suffer. He prophetically tells them “that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth in God service”. At this point, what I think is pertinent is that we as Christians must be wary of what we do in God’s name and heed to what we read in the bible on what is God’s instructions and not to our own self-righteous decisions. As In St. John sixteen and verses twelve through twenty-two we should listen to ‘the Spirit of Truth’. A prayer that I discovered is inspiring and successful in calling on the Holy Spirit, our counselor for guidance is:

"Come Holy Spirit, and let the fire of your love burn in my heart. Let me desire only what is pure, lovely, holy and good and in accord with the will of God and give me the courage to put away all that is not pleasing in your sight."
When we heed to the council of “the Comforter “for judgment in all things we are directed to the truth and the light and led on a righteous path to solutions, decisions and reconciliations. When we pray to “the Holy Ghost”, we acquire direct access to the Father God (St. John 16:23-24). Jesus taught the disciples, and by way taught us to pray in confidence and faith to expect our prayers to be answered.

"Heavenly Father, your love knows no bounds and your mercies are new every day. Fill me with gratitude for your countless blessings and draw me near to your throne of grace and mercy. Give me confidence and boldness to pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

In St John sixteen and verses twenty-nine and thirty-three Jesus, our intercessor teaches his original disciples and us that by his word we now know all things and believe that Jesus is the Son of God. We have learned also that we need not any man and will follow by Jesus example and “the Holy Spirit’s” prophecy (St. John 16:32)

In intercessor prayer, Jesus appealed to God who can make a difference for the good .In Jesus’ final days in chapter seventeen, the Master becomes unrelenting as an advocate and intercessor for his disciples .in verse nine Jesus prays” I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine”. He also appeals to God for believers and doers of the word (St John 17: 20-21). ”Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also maybe one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me”. Jesus Christ was and the Holy Ghost, which is one, is our “Intercessors”, putting themselves in our place and pleading our case before God. (John 14:13-14) Jesus says, "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it." When we petition a prayer to God for our need ask God for which we are convinced that is in accordance with His divine will. Remembering to pray for the well-being concerns of others interceding as is taught in James chapter five and sixteen “Pray ye for one another”.

Bible study review by Prophetess Sandra Dukes-student

School of Prophets- founder and executive administrator Apostle Adrienne Williams

Sequence of “The Flame Analysis “
1. “The Flame” (October 4, 2009)
2. “Knowledge –Seeking the Flame” (October 8, 2009)
3. “Prayer –The Source of The Flame “(part one of two/ October 17, 2009)
4. “Praise & Prayer – The Source of The Flame” (part two of two/ October 17, 2009)

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