Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Prayers for President Obama and His Family

My nephew sent me the following prayer by e-mail, and so I share it with you. You may receive it again from one of your friends. It is not possible to determine the origin of this prayer at this time.

If prayer is what it’s going to take….we got him! Amen????

It only takes a spark..

We pray for optimum health, mental clarity and political
prosperity for President Barack Obama. We pray that what he lacks in political
'experience' you make up for with supernatural wisdom and power. We
also pray that when his enemies come upon him they will stumble and
fall; and that your love will fill his heart to the end that 'Your will'
will be done through him.
We pray mightily for his protection. As we plead the Blood of
Jesus over him and his family, we ask you to dispatch legions of angels
to protect them from all hurt, harm, danger, and from all accidents and
incidents as he is the President of these United
States of America .

We thank and praise you for answering our sincere prayers. In
Jesus' Name, AMEN.

{I certainly hope that others of you on this site will be inspired to share your prayers with us for the good of us all. Thank you.}

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Comment by Pearls of Wisdom on September 8, 2009 at 8:38am
Thank you so much Minister Donna Dixon for your beautiful prayer for our President of the United States. What is really surprising is that no other members of this Guardian Warriors Prayer site have seen fit to respond in like manner. I have had such great hope that more prayers would be raised on this site and others for this and many other righteous purposes. Again, I beg of people all over this country to pray also against the Evil that is being dispersed through distractors and detractors in this country who are crying out against President Obama with false allegations, against a man who is in the uppermost position our nation who wants to encourage our nation's students to study and do well in school, for this is the message also of the Bible for us all to study to show ourselves approved. So again, I ask the members of this site to come together in prayer in support of the person that God has allowed to be put in charge of this country at this moment in time. I have just heard that former First Lady Laura Bush has spoken out saying that she thinks President Obama is doing a good job, and is praising First Lady Michelle. I give her high commendations for this Christian-like response of speaking out amid the evil-mongering of the Right and those who are ill-advised of her own party. We need more Christians to speak out in righteous indignation against the discord that is going on to this country. God bless us all.

So I pray: Lord, God, help this nation to avert the tragedy of racism and divisiveness. Too many of us who believe in God and this nation's democratic principles are silent, when we should be either speaking out in grace and peace or in open prayer. Father, we all need Thee now more than ever! Show us the way for Thy Peace, Joy and Praise to exist righteously among the people of this land. Not arguing aimlessly in ignorance. We all need to study to show ourselves approved, workmen worthy in Thy sight. Father, help more of us who follow Thee rightly to have the courage to speak up and speak out in a peaceful, judicious manner against the evils that so quickly beset us. For we know Thous are the God of Peace and not Confusion. Lord, we love Thee, we honor Thee and we Adore Thee. And we will priase Thy name forever. Amen.
Comment by Min. Donna Dixon (Rinnah Bat Yah on August 24, 2009 at 4:38am
Touching and agreeing Abba, we need you, we know we are not righteous before your eyes we know we need to be cleansed so Abba cleanse us with hyssop that we may be clean, wash us that we may be whiter than know make us to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice, thank you Abba YHVH, our very righteousness is of you, that we may enter in before your throne. O' Adonai we cry and get in the gap for the mind and spirit that you have placed in this man, the king that you chose for this seasons, we ask for you to breathe upon him and make his way clear so that he can be a blessing unto your people , the sheep of your pasture. Speaking over him the Psalm of king David that you gave to me (68), we cry for our children, our people, your church, please make your face be seen that you may be honored and glorified. Forgive him Abba of any misgivings, for he knows not yet what he does, grant unto him the knowledge, wisdom and the understanding to tend your people, or we shall surely perish in the way, for the enemy is fierce with anger, but you are Almighty, the Most High, creator of all flesh, you who died for your people and was ressurected on the third day, you whom opened up the very windows, gates and doors of the heavens for the purpose of your holy people whom you call by your name. Halleluyah and blessed be your name. Let not the enemy destroy any further, for you said if we would humble ourselves and pray and seek your face, that you would hear and hearken and heal our land, remember your tender mercies toward us Abba. For it's in and through Adonai Yahoshua's (Lord Jesus) name we ask, and in the name of thee Almighty Abba Hayah YHVH Shaddai' el ( Everlasting Father Jehovah Almighty God), we pray this day and give you thanks, for it by the might of your Spirit that dwells we ask, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever Amen.
Comment by Pearls of Wisdom on June 15, 2009 at 5:08am
This is a prayer posted on another one of my sites.

Dear Supreme Being, Ruler of the Universe, Omnipotent One,

I first praise you for your Omniscience and for the Favor you have bestown on us all. In particular, Father, I give you honor, glory and praise for allowing us all to live to see manifest the reality of an African-American President of the United States. Lord, you have appointed this man amid threats of harm and destruction. Only you, God, can protect him and guide him upon his way.

These first 100 days, Lord, have been momentous. But they are not without fear of mistakes and missteps. So Father, we plead with you to guide his decision-making. Make the way plain and safe for him wherever he steps. Father give him the supernatural conceptualizations that will bring this country back to its former economic security and empowering status. Help him to choose wisely among the ever-present, long-threatening world issues. Father, help him erase the mistakes of the past 8 years and keep his promises of equanimity, liberation and justice against the imperialistic odds. Father, you know how difficult it must be for him to hold the lives of the people in the palms of his hands. It is a tremendously awesome responsibility. Lord, make him strong to the task and keep him resilient in the face of threatening danger not only to the country, his family and himself. God we have no choice but to rely on you, thus we do obeisance in the name of your Precious Son Christ Jesus, the Light of the World. O Lord, hear our Praer. Amen.

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