Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Run to GOD .... into His arms. Pour out your heart to Him. Cry before Him. Get angry before Him. He knows. He does care. Let it all out. It is safe with Him. Go to a trusted friend and share. Get emotional support and physical comfort if you are able. (If there is no one to go to try to envision the Father or Jesus holding you in their arms. I did. Heart to heart. "Take my pain Lord Jesus".
Write down your questions of WHY? Write down your feelings, your thoughts, your experience. The sooner you get it out the sooner you can begin to heal. The problem is most people withdraw and sulk in the pain. ' Too painful to let it out '. Lie. Well it is painful (period) but it is more painful and damaging to keep it in and keep re-living it! It is over now. Don't keep rehashing it in your mind. Replace it with Truth (God's Word). Dwell on postive things. (well that will take TIME but that is where you want to be). Days, weeks maybe even months but there has got to be a point when you need to 'get up' and let that experience be the PAST. Your body also remembers. There are things you can do to help. (ask God, ask me)
HOW CAN YOU LET GO OF THE PAST? I saw it happen.....little by little. I started to LIVE for the NOW! Live for Today. One hour at a time. One day at a time. I started to enjoy the one hour. (Find whatever you can that gives you joy and pleasure). The more happy days you have.... the more it will be embedding in your mind and it will eventually overcome the negative, maybe horrifying, past. Dwell on the NOW. The past is past. There is (needs to be) a time when you move on. After you believe you have talked about it enough, had time to heal emotionally and physically you need to make a decesion NEVER to let the Enemy bring it back up to control you. God showed me that. I stood before the Enemy and said with boldness, " you will never bring up my past and use it against me again!! " Surprisingly, by God's grace I have been able to do that. The minute it would dare come to me, I cast it out!. No, I am NOT going there!! I dealt with it. It is over . There is no need to bring it up again. God healed my mind, emotions and body. I believe that. There is no reason for me to go back there. I will not let those thoughts (memories) or feelings CONTROL me. The Holy Spirit will control me. He renewed my mind. I choose to dwell on His Word - 'speak out' the life giving words He gives. Go pray for someone. Go out and do something nice for someone. Get your mind off of your self. If you take the bait you will fall into self-pity, anger, despair. Over and over.. month after month... year after year if you do not BREAK the cycle. In Christ Jesus YOU do have the power to OVERCOME everything - to be a VICTOR in everything!!!

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Comment by Vicky777 on May 22, 2008 at 6:20pm

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