Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Some of the Qualities of the Heavenly Army (Priesthood) chosen by God through the New Covenant Bible.

Some of the Qualities of the Heavenly Army (Priesthood) chosen by God through the New Covenant Bible.

1) They are Holy according to heavenly standards in order to have fellowship with God that enable them to read the New Covenant Bible and minister with Him His New Word in all the nations. Their constituency of operation is in all nations, a church without walls. They are called the heavenly ARMY because they are transformed angels of God that have the heavenly wisdom and knowledge of God in them.You are one of the heavenly angels if you are now enabled by God to read the heavenly interpreted Bible Word in God's wisdom and knowledge. You are a heavely citzen carrying the indwelling God in your soul. You are a transformed soul created in the IMAGE OF GOD, created by the WORD OF TRUTH. James 1: 18-21.

2) They are royal to one God, the revealed New High Priest through the New Covenant Bible Scriptures interpreted by the Holy Spirit.

3) They were once carnally born by the carnally read and taught old Covenant Bible (Agar) but now are Born AGAIN of the Holy Spirit when they are enabled to read and teach the New Covenant Bible (Sarah) by the Holy Spirit knowledge and wisdom. Gal 4:19-31. The army that is commanded by God through the New Covenant Bible are to bring down all strongholds of the carnal kingdoms that have been planted ever since using the Word of God of the Old Covenant Bible.

4) They have knowledge and wisdom of God in them to discern the carnal enemies of the Gospel, that are against the rule of kingdom of God. Gal 4: 28-31.

5) They are seasoned and aggressive army in their nature of spreading the gospel to all nations.

6) They are careful not to listen to any other voice other than that of the ONLY God WHO gives instructions to them.

7) They are bold and courageous to attack the enemy camps, call them carnal kingdoms that are not built on the foundation of the New Covenant Bible Word interpreted and explained by the indwelling Holy Spirit in God’s sons.

8) They must be quick to attack the enemies of the kingdom of God when given the instructions by God to snatch the souls from the carnal kingdom(s) of Satan by teaching the Gospel message into their souls.

9) They are able to use the sword (WORD) of the Holy Spirit effectively and tactfully to build faith in the rescued souls and in turn teach them the Holy Spirit warfare tactics.

10) They are never a retreating army but are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus our Lord.

11) They are alert all the time and stuck to their great mission of planting the knowledge and wisdom of God (KINGDOM OF GOD) into the souls using the New Covenant Bible ordinances of light that give eternal life to souls.

12) They have overcome the temptation of money and wealth of the world to compromise the truth revealed by the New Covenant Bible Word that reveals the invisible things of heaven to replace the visible things taught by Old Covenant Bible Word in the hearts of men. The Old Covenant Bible written in letter in black and white that presents Bible in human wisdom and knowledge using the visible copies and yet Veils of the invisible things of heaven stretches from Genesis to the end of the book of Revelation. It is handwritten Bible in letter. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6. The Holy Spirit interpreting the very handwritten Bible in letter in a new way in the wisdom and knowledge of God interprets the Old handwritten Bible into a New Bible that reveals the invisible things of heaven by substituting the visible earthly veiling things of the handwritten Bible with invisible ones of heaven. Please see examples in some of blogs at

13) They worship only ONE true God who is their saviour from the carnal teachings of His Bible Word of the old Bible Covenant assuming the role of saving souls instead of God by using earthly veiling copies.

All those who do not follow the instructions of God when training them for battle and commanding them to fight the battle are discarded or dropped and are instead counted among a fighting army in the carnal camp of Satan unawares.

Pastor Patrick Bwayo

BE BORN AGAIN BY THE RESURRECTED, engrafted New Covenant BIBLE WORD that gives eternal life to souls taught by The Holy Spirit From the Carnally taught Old covenant dead Bible Word, the handwritten Bible in black and white from cover to cover called letter that kills souls. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6. James 1:18-21.

The Bible called the son of man or DAVID is the carnally interpreted and taught old dead handwritten Covenant Bible. The Bible called the Son of God is ONE interpreted and taught by the Holy Spirit. This New Bible is born of the Holy Spirit because the New Bible is born out of the carnally testified dead old one. When Bible is interpreted in the knowledge and wisdom of God by the Spirit of God assumes an equal status as God. Heb 1:1-13. The New bible becomes the first son of resurrection of God from the carnally taught dead Bible and becomes express image of the invisible God in chosen souls that have experienced the revelation the resurrection of the dead Bible into the New Bible of the Holy Spirit.
1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called `to be' an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 1:2 which he promised afore through his prophets in the holy scriptures, 1:3 concerning his Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 1:4 who was declared `to be' the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead; `even' Jesus Christ our Lord,
Romans 1:1-4

The Son of God, the New Bible is the true image (WORD) of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Coloss 1:15. Heb 1:1-13. He is the New High Priest of the temple of God, of the New Heavenly Jerusalem without walls comprising of chosen people from all nations that are enabled by God to read the New Covenant Bible. Heb 12. Gal 4: 21-28.

Pastor Patrick Bwayo.

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