Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Sooner Or Later (revisited - with poetry)

Multiac Nylon » by poligraf)

« Sooner Or Later » does not comes from Poligraf's catalogue as such. Rather, it is a piece for solo guitar that I intend to publish on an album of about ten acoustic compositions, all featuring the classical guitar, either playing solo or accompanied by other acoustic instruments.

The original title of this piece was « Maybe Later, » but I never liked it that much because of the element of doubt and uncertainty that it conveys, which doesn't fit the music. I reworked some parts while getting ready to record the present demo, and along with the changes came the new and more appropriate title.

While the first half of the piece starts in a reflective mood that leads into a peaceful passage, the second half remains upbeat and playful until the tongue-in-cheeky coda.

Here's the poetry that I composed for this instrumental :

say do you remember
when you renounced your throne
time had come to gather
the fruits that you had sown

couldn't stand no longer
circumstances outgrown
nor could future further
unconsciously postpone

true love is forever
and you had always known
that sooner or later
that road would be your own

setting out to conquer
noble the enterprise
chariot of fire
you hero on the rise

driven by the hunger
and the smile in those eyes
sometimes lows would deter
but you thrived on the highs

tipped off by the spider
rewarded by the flies
shooting star of ardour
serendipitous skies

angelic caretaker
inspired you to surmise
that sooner or later
you would obtain the prize

once blindfolded juggler
one hand behind your back
willing to consider
one more torch in the stack

consummate plate spinner
you always had the knack
to wow the onlooker
while avoiding the wrack

but that challenge greater
had you taken aback
fearful of disaster
prone to panic attack

tyro wire walker
trembling above the pack
left with daily wonder
why life cut you no slack

would it have been clearer
written in white on black
that sooner or later
your step would miss the track

witnessing in horror
your creation finespun
destroyed in a quarter
the dream had come undone

down under the weather
by your guilt overrun
dark clouds of dishonour
were obscuring the sun

but life wasn't over
though the event did stun
and still your endeavour
could be a fruitful one

had you known your labour
was meant for the long run
much sooner than later
your quest would have begun

as hope touched your shoulder
you lifted up your chin
finding back your valour
you recovered your grin

and against your fervour
you knew walls would give in
and sooner or later
that you couldn't but win

looking back together
and enjoying the view
pray this question answer
tell me you always knew

was it any wonder
that it had to be you
that sooner or later
you would be set free too

Views: 17


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