Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We have reached another day, with God's blessing you are having a great week.
As we continue this journey together, you will find when making the Bible
reading part of your daily routine; your day is a lot better.

Think of it as powerful "Soul Food" which can be nibbled on whenever you need a little extra energy, fulfillment, or satisfaction. Simply put, it is a nourishing treat: easy to digest and apply to your daily living. It contains answers for challenges, crises, and problems by providing the tools needed to maintain a constant communion with life and God.

We should always hold the study of the Word as our highest goal. When we build our foundation (Four Pillars) evenly it provides us a glimpse of the inner life of someone that's onging to attain understanding of God's purpose in our life through His word; to achieve moral perfection.

How often is it that we find we are not satisfied in what we do or who we are with, even though it gives us knowledge; yet we yearn for understanding? When we build a solid foundation (Four Pillars) with God's Word embedded in our heart, we endeavors to live life according to God's Laws. The understanding of the divine Law is our delight.

There is a lovely symmetry in our journey: we study the Word because we love God and we love God because His Word is righteous. As we engrave the Word in our heart, we delight in obeying its commands. As our obedience grows, so does our love for God, and as our love for God grows, so does our obedience.

When we allow the Word of God to become our most prized possession and understanding that Law is our primary life goal; our journey is destined to become all we desire it to be.

I think the following describes a Love Affair With the Word.

Law – From a verb which means to direct, to guide, to aim, to shoot forward. It is the rule of conduct which was revealed to Moses and perfected in Christ.

Testimonies – From a verb meaning to bear witness. The Ark of the Covenant was referred to as a testimony, as were the two tablets of stone and the Tabernacle itself, in which the Ark and the tablets rested.

Precepts – Something placed in trust, The Word is a great gift, entrusted to man by a loving god.

Statutes – Something engraved or inscribed. The Ten Commandments were engraved in stone, and the Word is to be graved on our hearts.

Commandments – Pronouncements from God, such as His command to Adam about the tree of knowledge, or to Noah about building the ark.

Judgment – From a verb meaning to govern, to judge, or to make decision.

Word – The Logos – God's revealed will.

Ways – A plain rule of conduct. The grace of God comes to us through Christ our Lord, Who is the way, the truth and the life.

God's Word and the Four Pillars is "soul food" rich in nutrition that is necessary for growth in God and life. Take time to savor God's "recipes" for spiritual health and the Four Pillars for total health.

However, there are two areas where we must be cautious. Many Christians fall into one of two categories in their use of the Word and how it applies in their life.

Some people are spiritual anorexics. They perceive themselves "fat" in God when they are actually starving their spirit. They don't get enough of the Word and they tend to avoid other Christians because they don't want others to know they are weak in the Word. These anorexic believers need to get the life and cleaning that only comes from time spent meditating upon the Word. As they do, god will give them His image, and their spirits will grow fat.

Bulimic Christians are binge eaters. They enjoy meals in the Word – Church services, tapes, TV Ministries, etc. – but they do not apply the Word in their lives. They need to allow the Word to settle into their hearts, and need to change their lives by obeying it. Otherwise, they will not get the spiritual nourishment required for victorious living.

When we stick to a soul food diet and the Four Pillars rich in prayer and meditation on the Word;
we will enjoy all the benefits of a healthy Christian life with the mate we desire in Christ. Bon Appetite!!!!!!!!!

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