Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

It has been said “What don’t brake you will make you”. Well I’m broken in my Spirit and I feel the Pain in my body. I must stand in my Brokenness and in my Pain.

My Mother lost her balance and she fell. I tried to catch her, 185lb, I only broke the fall and she endure her walker hitting her in the arm, causing serious pain. Pushing her lifeline button, emergency services came and rushed her to the hospital.

Waiting several hours with my mother at the hospital, I began to feel pain in my back, watching my mother still in pain, I tired to forget about myself, after 5 hours of waiting results showed nothing broken, but their was swelling and bruises. My mother was released and given a shot for pain. Truly I was thankful, their was no brokenness in my Mom’s body.

I had to “Stand” watching my family come and go, no help was offered to bring my Mother home from the hospital after her release. I “stood” long enough to bring my mom home and put her into the bed where she could rest. I “stood” in my brokenness and endure the pain.

Circumstances and consequences of accidents in the home. Results--108 accidents were recorded in 100 patients, giving home accidents rate 84/1000 patients. Rate of home accidents increased with age and were higher with women than men. (H. J. Graham, J. Firth).

Ephesians 4:11-15
“God gave some the wisdom and his anointing,…. for perfecting the saints and edifying the body of christ …… till we come in unity of the faith, …..that we henceforth….be no more children, tossed to and fro,… the sleight of men….” Stay Blessed….

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