Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The Bible WORD taught by the Holy Spirit is different from the Bible taught in human (carnal) knowledge and wisdom

The Bible WORD taught by the Holy Spirit is different from the Bible taught in human (carnal) knowledge and wisdom.

There are only two ways of reading and understanding the Bible Word: This first way of teaching and understanding the Bible is by human knowledge and wisdom which is contrary to the second way of teaching the Bible by God Himself by His spirit when His Spirit indwells the soul to enable the favoured soul read and interpret the Bible in God's wisdom and knowledge. Please read the attachment " Ministering of the Bible." to see the sample contrast of the two ways.
Here below is an example of the explanation of ISRAEL by the guidance of the Holy Spirit:
Of the three categories of Israel , which one do you fall in? Rom 2:28-29.



Dear Brethren,
ONLY the people of natural Israel in the Middle East who are Born Again by the Holy Spirit New Covenant Bible Word are children of God and NOT those born of old handwritten Old covenant Bible Word and even those born physically (natural Israel). It is also true with all peoples of all and other nations throughout the world.

The Nation of Israel is a chosen nation of God according to the handwritten Bible scriptures in the time when it is in force for the teaching copies of heavenly things. But now in the last days, it is necessary for them to be born again according to the oath of the word of God of the New covenant Bible, one by one to enter the kingdom of God by the New teaching of Bible by the Holy Spirit. It is also necessary for other nations to be born in the New Way of the teaching of the Holy Spirit contrary to the old teaching of the Bible in carnal way.Heb.7:12-29, Heb 10:1-9

There is nowhere in the scriptures that say all Israel by physical identity and birth are going to enter or are entering the kingdom of God and are all born of the Holy Spirit. To this day we have some Israeli people who do not obey God without the gift of the Holy Spirit and there are those who love and obey God and are born of the Spirit of God. Tell me, do all Israel qualify to be righteous or holy people according to the scriptures because they are naturally born Israel or by being washed by the Bible Word? Even those who have been washed by the Word there is now a separation of those who are born of the handwritten Old covenant Bible word by carnally reading the scriptures and those born of the New Covenant Bible word taught by the Holy Spirit. The New Covenant Bible Word is the Word that is taught and interpreted by God Himself as is written in the scriptures they shall be taught of God. Rom 2: 8-29, Mark 4:10-41, Rom Chapters 7 & 8.

Church of God, may I ask, of these three categories of Israel: a) born naturally by a natural father and mother b) born of the old handwritten Bible word the letter by carnal teaching of the Bible Word, (CARNAL COMMANDMENT c) born of the handwritten Bible word but interpreted by God Himself to be the New Covenant Bible Word of the Holy Spirit; do you fall? 2 Corinth 3:5-6. Which of these three categories is the true Israel of God by revelation through the new covenant Bible? Rom 2:28-29. Rom 7:1-9

With Divine love,
Pastor Patrick Bwayo.

The Resurrected New Covenant Word is Replacing the Dead Old Covenant Word by Pastor Patrick Bwayo. 2 Corinth 3:5-6

The Holy Ghost reveals His Sealed word to those who obey Him and seek Him. The old handwritten word (OLD LETTER COVENANT) is from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation unto this day (2008 onwards). The Holy Ghost interpreting the SAME handwritten word in a new way word by word becomes the NEW COVENANT from the time one receives the revelation. 1 John 2: 7-8; 2 Corith. 3:5-6.

NOBODY CAN MINISTER A NEW COVENANT UNLESS He is enabled by God. 2 Corinth 3:5-6.
I was inspired to write the messages by the Lord Jesus Christ to the BIG CHURCH. No body can minister the NEW COVENANT except the Lord GIVES him HIS Knowledge and wisdom as a gift to ENABLE him do so. 2 Corinth . 3:5-6. No body can be revealed the ENTRANCE taught only by the Holy Spirit into the NEW COVENANT Bible Word of the Kingdom of God unless he checks on his righteousness to be the righteousness commended by God. 2 Peter 1: 10-11; GAL.5:16-26, Heb 3 & 4.
Understanding the Scriptures, the God given way by inspiration of reading the New Covenant Bible Word by the help of Holy Spirit is repeated several times in the Bible eg Mark 4: 10- 13, 1 Corinth also in the book of Ephesians, and in the Revelation Book. Without this help from God, you will read and minister the Bible word of God in the carnal way that kills souls. If God does not
Come and dwell in your soul to interpret the Bible Sealed Word of light, you will stop at reading in your carnal knowledge the handwritten bible Word of darkness and you are none of His. Isaiah 45:7-8, 1 John 2:7-8. You are none of His because sins in your soul have blocked God to be in you.
To be saved out of the handwritten word (Letter) that kills souls or to be saved from the carnal handwritten Bible Law of bondage, you need God to dwell in your soul to enable you interpret the handwritten code for you in a New Way to become the CHRIST.2 Corinth 3: 5-6, 13-18. The handwritten Law is given to MEN by God to interpret in human knowledge & wisdom and can be interpreted in as many ways as there are many Bible reading and teaching people in whole world. Each person can interpret the Bible in his own way. The human knowledge and wisdom curve or mold the Idols gods out of misinterpreting the true Bible Word who is God. The absence of God in souls whilst reading the handwritten Bible Word leads to carnal worship that worship idol gods or imaginary god in our understanding as is explained by the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinth10. The entire handwritten Bible Word ministered in carnal knowledge is what is referred to as the CARNAL COMMANDMENT that teach the Bible contrary to the Holy Spirit in Heb 7:12-18, 1 John 2:7-8.

From these scriptures: 2 Corinth 3: 13 -15, MOSES IS STILL BEING READ up this DAY 2008, if people are still reading the old carnal handwritten Bible Word called Moses. This means that Christ, the New Covenant Bible Word has not indwelt them yet to enable them READ the Bible Word by the enabling of the Holy Spirit in the wisdom and knowledge of God. The Church has not been revealed WHO CHRIST IS until the Spirit begins to teach the Bible in His wisdom and knowledge in them! The handwritten Bible (Genesis to Revelation Book) as a PRIEST to this day 2008 and onwards is Moses. John 6:31-34. The handwritten Bible ( Genesis to Revelation Book) interpreted by the Holy Spirit for us is the New Covenant. If the Holy scriptures (WORD) are incarnated in the understanding of flesh and are still ministered in the carnal way, it means the carnal church is still led by the Old written LETTER COVENANT/ LAW (MOSES) to this day of 2008 onwards. John 1:1-18. We are yet to receive the GRACE of God to teach the Bible by the help of Holy Spirit. The soul that is indwelt by God teaches the previously carnally received old handwritten Bible in a New way in God’s wisdom and knowledge to become a New Covenant Bible. Unless we heed to the voice of God to obey and purify ourselves, we cannot receive the teaching of the Bible by the GRACE of His Spirit who gives us His promised Kingdom by revelation in the scriptures. The moment you are offered to understand the New Covenant (TREE OF LIFE) you are given ETERNAL LIFE. If we do not obey the Voice of God (commandments), we are locked up in prisons due to the carnal judgmental LAW of the old handwritten Covenant Bible to serve the carnal interpretations and teachings of earthly kingdoms. We serve the carnal children of covenant Agar that interprets the Bible in human wisdom and knowledge. We serve unawares the Egyptian taskmasters to build carnal empires and kingdoms that keep people in bondage of denominations, ministries, and traditional churches that are contrary to the liberty the kingdom of God gives which is built on foundation of the wisdom and knowledge of God through the New Covenant Bible Word who is the Christ. Christ, your New Covenant Bible Word is the High priest that sets prisoners free from tasks given by carnal leaders that teach Bible and formulate human Laws in their own knowledge and understanding. However to free of prisoners from the carnal masters can only be done by Christ in the acceptable year of the Lord. The acceptable year of the Lord is the time from when the New Covenant is revealed and this time has started and is the now time.

The natural Israel of the Middle East ended their historical physical slavery in physical Egypt by walking to physical Land of Canaan to Worship the true God by the leading of God through a human Moses. Have today’s carnal followers of God’s Bible word (all the carnal readers of the Old handwritten Bible from all nations) reached their promised New Covenant Bible Word, where they can worship God in truth and Spirit in His kingdom? Have you (they) withstood all the temptations, trails and sufferings imposed on you (them) on the long and tiresome journey of walking the spiritual long old Bible Covenant desert journey to Kingdom of God given by the New Covenant Bible Word? Are you sure you are worshipping the true God who can only be worshipped in His kingdom through the true New Covenant Bible Word. If you are still worshiping God through the Old handwritten Word, the, the veil you are worshipping the Egyptian idols of the handwritten Bible Word of the children of flesh born of Agar, the “Egyptian” that interpret the Bible Word in carnal human knowledge and wisdom. Are you really worshipping the true God if the Bible is twisted by “Egyptian” carnal people of our day to preach and teach the “Egyptian” carnal things offered to idol gods of their kingdoms?.

The Old Covenant IS THE TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL because the handwritten word is given to men to interpret and minister in human knowledge and in this state the true Bible Word of God is mocked, abused, crowned with a crown of thorns as king, crucified and killed but on “the third day”, the original carnal handwritten dead Bible Word, the lamb that was slain at the foundation of the world resurrects to become the resurrected New Covenant Bible word of eternal life that give eternal life to souls that are enabled to read Him. Gen. 3; Gal 5:16-26; REV 22:14-15; Isaiah 61

The Holy Spirit Bible Word teaches things invisible to the human EYE but is understood by the soul. All visible things taught by the handwritten Bible WORD that condemns are earthly & temporal even the visible 'christ', 2 Corinth 4:18; 2 Corinth 5:16; 2 Corith.4. Gal.4:11-14. We are forbidden to worship ANGELS. The bible says if the WORD teach you VISIBLE earthly things by the handwritten Bible word and you don't understand them, how about the heavenly INVISIBLE things taught by the Holy Spirit New Covenant Bible word?

We need to exercise meekness to receive the ENGRAFTED (inserted) Word of the Holy Ghost that teaches only invisible things of heaven by revelation knowledge and wisdom of God through the New Covenant Bible and the sons of God who are born of His Spirit by being enabled to read and interpret the New Covenant Bible. The Earthly Original Bible Word covering the entire Bible is the entire handwritten Bible word written in black and white that teaches visible shadows veiling the true invisible things of heaven in the Bible. The veils are presented by an old Covenant Bible / commandment / testament / priest(MOSES) to this day. 2 Corinth 3:13-15; James 1: 18 –21, Heb.10: 1-9. The entire Handwritten Bible is referred to as the LAW of judgment by revelation knowledge and wisdom of God. It is the one that present jesus christ as a person / god from heaven in a visible perspective. The New Covenant Bible Word presents Christ Jesus by revelation as Bible Word that is come in a volume of a book to remove the visible jesus as king presented by the old handwritten Bible and establish the heavenly king who is come in a Volume of a book. This is New Bible is Son through whom God is speaking to us in these last days ...; God is speaking to His church in these last days through the Christ who is Come in a Volume of a book as the New Covenant Bible Word, the High Priest.. Heb 1:1-2, 1 John 5:7-8, Heb 10:1-9 by KJV Bible.
Father, Almighty God give your sons/ daughters your Wisdom to understand you through the New Covenant Bible, who is your Son and who is come in a volume of the Bible Book. I do not have that ability to give you wisdom and knowledge and no angel or person, visible and invisible can give your wisdom and knowledge to another but only you Holy Father. Give them the meekness to read all the scriptures you have enabled me to write. Many, Many thanks Holy Abba in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen. LORD God, please allow them to enter into your New Covenant Bible word/Land of promise forever. Amen!
With Divine Love.
Pastor Patrick Bwayo.
Box 1255 , Mbale , Uganda . Mail to:

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