Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer



This morning (27.1.2010) as I sat before the Lord for my quiet time, I sang hymn No.164
from Redemption Hymnal – He was nailed to the cross for me –
Some of you may know it but I shall write the words here to bless us all –

What a wonderful, wonderful Savior, Who would die on the cross for me!
Freely shedding His precious life blood, That the sinner might be made free.

Chorus: He was nailed to the cross for ME (twice)
On the cross crucified, for ME He died
He was nailed to the cross for ME.

Thus He left His heavenly glory To accomplish His Father’s plan;
He was born of the Virgin Mary, Took upon Him the form of man.

He was wounded for our transgressions, And He carried our sorrows too,
He’s the Healer of every sickness. This He came to the world to do.

So He gave His life for others In redeeming this world from sin,
And He’s gone to prepare a mansion That at last we may enter in.

As I sang I was filled with the Holy Spirit and I wept before the Lord, in love and adoration for what He did for ME!
This cross is not the cross we wear on chains or on church buildings but the rough wooden cross on which our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ was crucified at Calvary! We know that Jesus Christ suffered, bled and died for us and by faith I took a fresh look at –

His Head crowned with thorns and bleeding and yet He could pray for forgiveness for those who were crucifying Him, saying they do not know what they are doing!
His Face was marred beyond recognition, spat upon and bleeding!
His Body was a mess, bruised and bleeding, and
His back, raw exposed flesh rubbing on the rough, wooden cross and bleeding from the 39 stripes He bore at the whipping post for our healing!
His Hands that blessed many children, and brought comfort and a healing touch to many, was bruised, and bleeding and nailed to the cross!
His Feet that walked many miles preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom was bloody and nailed to the cross.
His Side was pierced with a spear when blood and water gushed out and He died!
While on the cross He was surrounded by mockers and scoffers and some said, if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross and save yourself and us.
Others said, “He saved others but Himself he cannot save.”
There were others who cast lots for His robe at the foot of the cross.
The two thieves who were crucified on either side of Him on that day – one mocked Him and the other asked for mercy and the Lord promised to take him to paradise!

No one realized that all the pain, suffering and rejection He endured was the Father’s will for Him so that sinners could be reconciled to God!
He was God’s sacrificial Lamb paying the full penalty for sin because God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and whosoever believes on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
The penalty for sin was death, eternal separation from God and to be cast into everlasting fire in hell. All have sinned and are under condemnation.
Jesus Christ loved us so much that He willingly went to the cross of Calvary to put away the sin of the whole world by the sacrifice of Himself. He became sin for us.
He bore the stripes on His back and freed us from the curses, from sicknesses and diseases that fell upon man as a consequence of Adam & Eve’s fall.
He went into hell, defeated the devil and took the keys of death and hell from him.
Jesus Christ on the third day rose again from the dead for our justification! Hallelujah!
JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE and the cross and tomb are empty!

Beloved do you have eternal life? Do you know the forgiveness of sins?
Do you need a touch in your body?
Call on the Lord Jesus Christ now and know the power of the cross of Calvary!
Margaret Wrigh

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