Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


"How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep,
and one of them be gone astray,
doth he not leave the ninety and nine,
and goeth into the mountains
and seeketh that which is gone astray?

...even so it is not
the will of your Father which is in heaven,
that one of these little ones should perish"

(Matt 18:12&14)

When God almighty
says something is His will or is ..NOT.. His will
then that's the way it will be done (Mat 6:10)

In God's time and in God's way,
ultimately, there will be ..NO.. lost sheep anywhere!!!

Why does God Himself use the analogy of "sheep"
to represent lost mankind?

because sheep are totally unable to save themselves!

They need a shepherd!!

It is not up to the dumb sheep to find the Shepherd!!

The shepherd himself finds them!!!

Of all the shepherds that ever were or will be-
will any even come close to matching the "Good Shepherd"?

Ponder this for a few thousand hours-

And just who is it that plays a great part
in the sheep being in such a lost condition?

Jer 50:6
My people hath been lost sheep:
their ..SHEPHERDS.. have caused them to go astray

Shepherds (Pastors and Clergymen) of the world
teach that God will never fulfill His own will and desires

They teach that most of the sheep will remain lost

And worst than lost:

they will supposedly be tortured
in the fires of Hell for all eternity-

because it was up to find the Shepherd???

God is not trying to save all of His sheep in this lifetime

There are Scriptural reasons
why God allows some people

to die without ever having known Him

They are not eternally lost, they are only "dead"

And let's be completely honest here

When a person is "dead," how does God view that condition?

As sleep (John 11:11)

Many people are incorrectly being taught;
that when a person dies his fate is eternally sealed

Death is an enemy...(which will be abolished 1Cor 15:26)

but death cannot separate anyone
from the of God, be he sinner or saint (Rom 8:36)

God abolishes death by vivifying everyone who is dead

The only way to abolish

the darkness in a room, is to turn on the light

The only way to abolish death

is to make ..everyone.. alive!!

All who are dead asleep in their graves
will be resurrected from death to life (Ezek37:13-14)

Christ will draw all men to Himself (John 12:32)

It is God's WILL that they come

to a knowledge of the truth and be saved (Tim 2:4)

Every tongue in heaven and earth will,

" ... ACCLAIM that Jesus Christ is Lord,
for the Glory of God, the Father" (Phil 2:11)

God will not lose one single sheep (Matt. 18:14)

God will save all Jews and all Gentiles (Rom 11:32)

So that God may " ... be ALL in ALL" (1Cor 15:28)

Reasoning that lost sheep

must find their own shepherd...

and unbelievers must

find their own Saviour or else be doomed...

reminds me of Lazarus' sister Mary

who came to our Lord and said:

"Lord, if Thou wert here,

my brother would not have died!" (John 11:32)

It is amazing what we humans

think are insurmountable problems for God

But you see, Christ was not there and Lazarus did die

But then Christ did come

and He did resurrect Lazarus from the dead

Did Christ resurrect Lazarus out of Hell fire?
If He did, then Lazarus went to Hell by mistake

Did Christ resurrect Lazarus out of Heaven?
If He did, then Christ lied
eight chapters earlier when He said,
"NO one has ascended into heaven ... " (John 3:13)

Christ resurrected Lazarus out of the TOMB (John 11:38-39)

Because that's where Lazarus WAS,

in the TOMB, dead ASLEEP

This example of Christ's resurrection powers
was a foretaste of what Christ will do

in the future resurrections

This is how it is done…

Dead people (not just dead bodies)

will be resurrected from the dead....

not from life at some other geographical location
(not heaven and not hell),

but FROM THEIR GRAVES, wherever they may be

Where does it say

that a man's eternal fate is sealed at his death?



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