Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The Home Bound and The Church

In the church there are many members who are unable to take part in the life of the church because of health, age or their jobs.
When we think about these three groups, we look at them as people we need to minister to. And this is very true. We do have a duty to meet their spiritual needs and help them to know they are still a part of the life of the church. But we forget that these groups are as dedicated to Christ as the other members. And they have many talents and skills that are needed by the church as a whole. We need to look at each member of our church who are in one are more of these groups And ask can't they take part in the live of the church and is it their desire to be more active in the church.

Then we need to take a survey of the skills and talents of each person in that group. And than ask them would they be willing to use their skill or talent for Christ. First let us look as these three group and the reasons why they can't come to Church, and look at how they can serve Christ within our Church.

JOBS – Some of our members can't come to church because of the hours they work.

SICKNESS - It maybe an on going sickness or one that will only last a short time. We need to look at the length and the kind of illness that the member is dealing with, and this will determent how this member will be able to be of service in the church.

AGE – This is a group with a great deal of experience and knowledge that is needed and can be used by the church.

We will make a very short and general list of jobs and skills your church may need.

1.Co-ordinator – To take a survey of all church members who fit in these three group. And a prayful look at how we may minister to them. And ways that can serve Christ with the skill and talents that God has given them.

2.Prayer warriors – Home bound saints know and understand the need for pray. They truly can be Gods' special prayer warriors
3.Office work from home- Much of the churches office work can be done off site and many of our senior members have great office skills.

I hope that this short blog will give raise to ideas that may come to you on how we can make all of our church members needed and prized within the body of Christ

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Comment by Linda on June 2, 2009 at 7:36pm
You have very good ideas. God bless you. Love Linda

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