Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A free body diagram of a mass on an inclined plane » by Mets501)

How long have I hankered
For the right way to go
How far have I wandered
To know what I now know

Laying under the moon
Rising up with the crow
And the wail of the loon
In the rain or the glow

How many ups and downs
I had to lose the count
Just as with forms and nouns
To keep climbing the mount

How many times I slipped
Escaping restriction
Expecting to be tripped
By disguised protection

To hell and back again
I journeyed so often
The tempter of his den
Titled me denizen

And all the times I yelled
At the gates of heaven
Why was freedom withheld
Why were no signs given

Through trials I learned the laws
Governing ascension
And got rid of the flaws
Hampering progression

Never I thought I'd shed
This world that never was
Yet where my path has led
Suddenly there I was

Trembling on highwire
Goaded under duress
Across straits so dire
That I had to witness

Known doors becoming walls
So walls could reveal doors
To magnificent halls
And infallible floors

Views: 34


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