Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Yamagata University Craft-Pal 2006 » by simo100)

« The Miracle Is Worth The Wait » was the 2nd song written for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project, and was completed on January 8, 2013.

The inspiration for this opus came from conversations held with David, a somewhat peculiar fellow with whom I was sharing living spaces earlier this year. To the best of my memory, the first words he ever spoke to me were « I can guarantee world peace. » Obviously, the statement got my attention and I just had to know more about him. I eventually learned that he was on a mission to build an ultralight, and that, assuming I correctly understood his long-winded stories, world peace would be achieved upon completion of the aircraft. That particular causality remains to be seen, but one thing for sure, there was something strangely beautiful about how he just kept going against overwhelming odds.

It sometimes seems as if many of us have to build an ultralight of some sort, which will somehow transport us to our ideal. David definitely could trust that it was his fate to fly above the hill. Can you believe it is yours ?

The version embedded above was released earlier this year on the « The Abode Of The Blessed » EP.

verse 1
aviator you're working still
to build your ultralight
when it will fly above the hill
the bird will destroy the night

there's a new world to establish
a new order to crystallize
a skyward ladder to finish
an uprising to organize

you're pushing hard, we've seen you go
you will get there in the long run
dismiss your doubts you have to know
that you'll have your time in the sun

verse 2
jerusalem opens its gates
to let you see the golden tree
that patiently for you awaits
you will claim it when you are free

today tomorrow is unclear
yet it's no reason to worry
to get to the dream that's so dear
surrender to uncertainty

never give up you shining star
don't give in to the daily gloom
joy of this life heals every scar
and ripens each fruit to full bloom

verse 3
aviator you're working still
to build your ultralight
when it will fly above the hill
the bird will destroy the night

hone your feathers and keep your smile
you have a date with destiny
steady go for the extra mile
and you will soar to liberty
can you trust that it's your fate
the miracle is worth the wait

onward to complete harmony
at heaven's door often you've knocked
all of the time never knowing
that the entrance was never locked

last chorus
hone your feathers and keep your smile
you have a date with destiny
steady go for the extra mile
and you will soar to liberty
can you trust that it's your fate
though the road might not be straight
can it ever be too late
the miracle is worth the wait


The « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » series presents songs written in the aim of building a repertoire of originals that require only guitar and vocals, without additional arrangements, and thus can be performed in a busking context.

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