Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The Necessity of Forgiveness

Read: - Matthew 18:21-22

It may seem strange that the first world of Jesus on the cross was one of forgiveness. It is easily understandable by those who are
acquainted with the record of his public ministry. Jesus left no doubt in the
minds of his hearers that a spirit of forgiveness is necessary if faith is to
be real.

On one occasion Peter came to him. “Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?” he asked; “till seven times?” Jesus did not hesitate. “I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.”

In the intimacy of the close fellowship of the Master with his disciples they had
raised questions concerning the meaning of prayer. They had seen Jesus return
filled with new power after hours spent praying on the mountainside. They
pleaded to be shown how they could receive a similar renewal of their minds and
bodies. In replying to their questions, Jesus gave them a pattern for prayer
which has been used by his followers in every age. No one can repeat his words
without being remind that he must forgive. “Forgive us
our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,”
he had
said. As if to remove any lingering doubt concerning the necessity for such an
attitude, he added: “And when ye stand praying,
forgive, if ye have aught against any; that your father also which is in heaven
may forgive you your trespasses.”

The word of forgiveness from the cross was a vivid example of what Jesus Christ had continually demanded of those who
followed him. It was in keeping with his consecrated life that he never called
upon his disciples to do what he would not do himself. He never pointed to a
way of action, demanding that his disciples walk that path without, at the same
time, living out the demands of the challenge in his own life. He not only
talked of forgiveness as a necessary attribute of a godly life, but he
exemplified that spirit by his willing forgiveness of those whose hatred had
brought him to his death.

Many Christians easily dismiss the demand for a forgiving spirit by saying that they
have no enemies in the sense that Jesus had enemies. “There are some people
whom I dislike, but none whom I really hate,” said a woman who was struggling
to make faith a vital factor in her life. Her pride might have suffered a blow
if her thoughts had gone beyond her relatives and her immediate circle of
friends. Sometimes hatred is directed against people of different nationalities.
We seldom, if ever, come into personal contact with such an indefinite group.
There are few opportunities to practice the virtue of forgiveness of those who
live on the other side of the world. Too often we use such reasoning to justify
our attitudes as we mumble the words of forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer.

It is always easier to do a single heroic deed than to maintain a high level of
Christian devotion in our daily contacts with those about us. The attitude of
forgiveness demands something of us in our day-by-day relationships in the
family and in the community. When we carry resentment against our brother or
our neighbor, we are as great a traitor to Lord Jesus Christ as is the man who
despises the people on the other side of the world. The Cross is an eternal
challenge to us to forgive.

O God helps us to forgive and save us from petty jealousies and envies. Keep us from the temptation to hide our
own weaknesses by blaming others. May the spirit of Christ who was willing to
pardon his enemies fill our hearts until all malice and hatred have been removed.
Give us strength to love the unlovely and to care for the unworthy. In Jesus’
name. Amen.

The best wishes and blessings from: - Rev. Dr. Jashobeam Singh

Request: - If God moves your heart please send us more E-mail addresses for sending these
messages of Lord Jesus Christ all over the world. Please send this message to

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