Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The predetermined day of the end will be kept....Time indication....Distribution of the revelations ....

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Word of God
... through Bertha Dudde - 18.5.1963

The predetermined day of the end will be kept....Time indication....Distribution of the revelations ....

The day that My wisdom predetermined in order to cause a transformation on earth, which merely serves a worldly inclined human race as a dwelling place but is no longer used as a spiritual place of education, is not far away.... The day is not far away when My will shall implement an act which will aim to achieve the complete transformation of the external shape of the work of creation called earth, which will signify the destruction of all life in, on and above the earth as well as all existing works of creation.... For My plan of Salvation has been determined for eternity and the time will be kept which I, in My wisdom, recognised to be necessary in order to create new opportunities for maturing for the spiritual beings.... And you humans will not be able to persuade Me to abandon this plan or to grant you more time, for I know and have known for eternity humanity's spiritual state at this point in time, which is precisely the reason why a complete change is needed, a renewed transformation of all spiritual beings which are on the path of return to Me.... Consequently, My predictions that you should not count on a long time ought to be taken literally.... that you should not transfer the announced end to the future, for one day even the future will become the present, and this time has arrived. Moreover, you humans can see for yourselves by all the happenings in the world and around you that people's spiritually low level can almost not be surpassed anymore, and therein you will also have to recognise the reason for a near end, for everything has become disorderly, the development of the spiritual beings has come to a standstill if it is not in fact regressing....

Hence you are living with false hope if you humans believe that you can win Me over through prayer, even if I keep telling you that prayers have great strength.... But what you pray for is only ever a selfish prayer, because you are not prepared to surrender your earthly life, and therefore you only pray that I should preserve the earth so that you will not have to fall prey to the end as well.... Your prayer should only concern the state of your fellow human beings' souls, you should only take care of your spiritual maturation and pray for each other and not appeal to Me to abandon a final destruction, for this is needed for the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creation which, just like you, are entitled to ascend so that one day they will also be permitted to become a human shell. But people forfeit their own right to be embodied on earth because they no longer take even one step upwards but are more inclined to strive towards the abyss again. A prolonged existence on this earth would be of no benefit whatsoever for these souls, instead they would sink even lower still, and they shall be prevented from doing so.... which will happen through a new banishment.... so that they will be wrested away from My adversary again, who had too much control over them as human beings in earthly life. You humans should only pray on behalf of each other that the souls will still release themselves from his control before the end.... Such a prayer of loving intercession for one of your fellow human beings will also reach My ear and be granted.... yet you will not succeed in trying to persuade Me to change My plan of eternity, after all, I know what is beneficial for all My living creations and what will help them to progress.

Therefore, anyone who wants to work for Me in My vineyard should take into account that the imminent end is a fact and thus be appropriately active on earth by preaching love and by also drawing all people's attention to the proclaimer of this divine teaching of love, to Jesus Christ, so that they will take the path to Him and under His cross become redeemed from sin and death when the end has come.... Then they will either enter the kingdom of light or be placed onto the new earth where they will be assured of a paradisiacal stay, which is already comparable to entering the kingdom of light, because people will have passed their test of earthly life and become free from guilt. And so that many people will still be able to reach this goal I continue to address them time and again through you, My messengers on earth, who receive My Word directly and pass it on to wherever it will be faithfully accepted. And this speech will not cease until the end, for I know who is suited to hear My Word, who allows My ray of love to flow into his heart and also makes correct use of it. And they will testify time and again that the end is not far away, they will never cease to mention My plan of Salvation and constantly refer to Jesus Christ and His act Salvation.... Time after time I will also emphasise His great significance and refer people to Him, Who alone can deliver them from the fall into the deepest abyss. And anyone who is able to believe in an end will not fear it either, for his faith has come alive through love and a person who lives in love will always also have the strength to defy all onslaughts which will still confront him in the last days.... For love itself is strength, because love connects the human being with Me, the Eternal Love, and thus constant strength flows to him from Me. And truly, none of you need to fear the end if only you would make the effort to live a life of love.... Humanity, however, is lacking love and is therefore descending ever deeper and thus causing the end itself.... as I have recognised for eternity and therefore My plan of Salvation will be implemented, as it was proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... Amen

Time indication....

You will never receive any indication in regards to time, because it would only have a damaging effect on your soul if you knew exactly when a prediction would take place. You should certainly take notice of it because I want you to prepare yourselves, because I want to admonish and caution you.... admonish, so that you will eagerly work at improving your soul and caution, so that you will not become complacent, which you will bitterly regret one day. This is why I have informed you of future happenings and indeed pointed forthcoming events out to people since the beginning of this period of salvation, for the idea of approaching them shortly should encourage you to live in accordance with My will and thus fulfil your purpose of earthly life.... Yet the time when you should expect the announced events has never been specified, and this made you become half-hearted regarding these predictions.... You always assume that My predictions will fulfil themselves in the distant future.... But you fail to consider that time passes constantly, that you draw ever closer to this future and that one day even the `future' becomes the `present'.... Thus I once again predict to you that the end of this earth, the end of a period of Salvation, is soon to come. And I keep referring to it with increasing urgency because it seems incredible to you that you should live in this end time.... Once again I don't give you the precise time and will not do so until the end so as not to compel your will....

Yet one thing I will tell you, you don't have much time left, very soon the time will come when all My predictions will fulfil themselves and you should not rely on the fact that one day is like a thousand years to Me.... Even a thousand years eventually pass by, and thus even the period of Salvation in which you live will come to its end one day, for sooner or later a new period will have to start if only for the sake of the bound spiritual substances in the works of creation which shall continue their development.... And again I only say, you are on the verge of it.... But time and again I repeat these Words with such urgency that you should nevertheless start to think....

Time and again I try to attract labourers during the last days before the end because I urgently need them in view of the forthcoming event, I convey remarkable knowledge to you humans so that you learn to understand My predictions, so that you know the reasons on which My proclamations are based.... I do this because the end is very near and because you ought to believe that My Words will fulfil themselves.... Yet even now I cannot specify the time since I don't want to throw you into incalculable chaos.... For the knowledge of the precise day and hour would throw you into dreadful confusion and no longer result in any kind of maturity. I can only repeatedly and ever more urgently draw your attention to the fact that you must take the fulfilment of all predictions into account, that you should not rely on the fact that you yourselves will not experience them anymore....

No-one knows the hour of his death and neither will anyone know as to whether he will be taken by surprise by the announced end, by the immense work of destruction and its predecessor, the unexpected natural disaster, and whether he will have to live through everything that happens in the last days, for I keep telling you: You are on the verge of it, you don't have much time left and every day and every hour you must take into account that I will extraordinarily manifest Myself through the elements of nature, and then you will also know that the end is no longer far away.... Therefore you should live in accordance with My will.... It will enable you to approach all events without fear.... You should only unite yourselves with Me through deeds of love, prayer and frequent thoughts and truly, your souls will not be harmed even if I prematurely call you back.... But I will also physically protect you if it is My will that you should still serve Me until the end....

Yet never expect Me to disclose a time to you, for it would not be of any benefit whatsoever for you, who serve Me, nor for your fellow human beings whose state of maturity is even less suitable for such knowledge. Yet whatever knowledge you can possibly impart to your fellow human beings about the forthcoming events, about My eternal plan of Salvation and the Father's infinite love Who wants to save all His children before the end.... should be done by you, and thus you still carry out fruitful vineyard work for Me until the end.... For every soul which still finds deliverance is a gain for Me for which I will truly reward you.... Amen

Distribution of revelations ....

And wherever the opportunity presents itself to inform your fellow human beings about the forthcoming end and all preceding events you should speak up, so that no-one can use the excuse not to have heard anything about it. For I really still want to do whatever it takes to give people a small light, and thus I will also bring you into contact with those where there is still a small glimmer of hope that they will react by thinking about it and then observing for themselves what is happening around them. I try to direct all people's thought such that they, for once, would like know what they can still expect, if not in this life then in another, to which their thoughts will therefore be directed.

The life which people presently live with purely earthly directed thoughts is by no means healthy for their souls, for the soul is meant to rise above all matter during its earthly life. But if the human being ties himself to matter it will signify for the soul a state of hardship, a state of hunger and of hopelessness of attaining its goal.... And this is why people's attention shall be drawn to the transience of all worldly things and, with good will, they can still utilise the short time by acquiring something of permanence for themselves even if the earthly body will cease to exist.... all I aim to achieve by constantly announcing the forthcoming end is that they will give account to themselves about the state of their souls, if they at all believe in a continuation of life after death.... Yet this very faith is missing, which is the reason for the enormous spiritual adversity during these last days. But don't let it put you off informing your fellow human beings again and again of what you were allowed to hear from Me.... You shall talk about the working of the spirit within yourselves as well as the contents of what is conveyed to you as My Word.... .

Tell them that they are in great danger of going astray for an infinitely long time if they don't diligently use the short time until the end in order to change their nature into love which, during the last days, does not show much love at all....

Tell them that they still have to take the path to Jesus before their death, that they have to carry their guilt under His cross and appeal to Him for forgiveness....

And you have to teach them the most important commandments: the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour.... their state of soul on earth and later in the spiritual kingdom depends on their fulfilment....

You must pass on everything you hear from Me directly, always in relation to your fellow human beings' state of soul, so that they learn to understand it and also direct their thoughts to Me, Who will always help them if they pray for help.

I convey this knowledge to earth so that people will have an explanation, even for what still lies ahead of them and what I constantly announce, so that they will not be taken by surprise by the events, which will come without fail as I have always and forever proclaimed. For I still want to give everyone the opportunity to prepare themselves in order to then await the end without fear, which only needs to be dreaded by those who, as completely obstinate followers of My adversary, will be banished once more into the creations of the new earth.

Detach yourselves from earthly matter so that it will not become your shell again from which you no longer can free yourselves without help.... Believe that the end will come in not too long a time, for the low level has been reached, no spiritual change is possible on this earth anymore.... Only a total transformation of the earth can achieve a spiritual change, and in order for you to be permitted to experience this change on the new earth you must strive for a heartfelt bond with Me, so that I can count you to be one of My Own who will remain faithful to Me even in the harshest battle of faith which is yet to be waged against you by My adversary.... so that you will receive strength from Me and persevere to the end.... And you will be able to enter a realm of peace and beatitude....

You will be allowed to populate the new earth where you will receive the reward for you steadfastness when you have to confess Me before the world.... Then you will have prevailed over this world and you will never need to fear My adversary again, for he, together with his followers, will be bound for a long time again....


B.D. 8500, 01,02


— Published by friends of new revelations of God —
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