Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Leviticus 22:31
Therefore shall ye keep my commandments , and do them : I am Lord !
Proverbs 7:1
My son , keep my words , and lay up my commandments with thee .
John 14:15
If ye love me , keep my commandments .
Nothing can separate us from the love of God . There is noting that you , I ,the murderer , rapist , even the tourist can do that will make God stop loving them . But for us who are saved ,is there evidence to show that we love God ? In other words does the course of our live show the world around us that we really children of God ? Know that this has a very special place in truly showing the character of our relationship with God . In the old and new covenant , God gives us specific commands that we are to follow when we say that we love him .
Be also reminded that today we truly ought to be glad that we are living in the times of grace and mercy . so many of us would be dead and gone if not for grace and mercy with the things that we do today and the lifestyles that we live that we already know is not God,s will nor his way . remember how God destroyed families in the days of old when one man did not keep his commandment or follow his instruction . Then to make sure for us who are under grace , john reminds us that we too are to keep his commandments .
Remember how the bible also reminds us how God says that he is the same yesterday , today , and forever that he changeth not ? So even in the condition that this world is in , we are still to best of our ability to keep God,s commandments . Even when we think that God,s commandments are out of our reach , we have the holy ghost that gives us the power to reach up and meet God,s commandments ,no matter what is going on in our own lives
When you truly think about it , it really is the commandments of God that should keep us all the more focused on God even in times like today . know that no matter who you are , where you are , what tilte you may have , how much money you do or do not have , God has not changed his mind concerning us keeping his commandments until we understand this and come to agree that our relationship with God has to be important than any other , we are always going to struggle .
More Than We Have To !
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