Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


The Sacred Names were thought to be to Sacred
to be uttered and therefore they were removed
from the Scriptures over 6,800 times and
replaced with Lord or God

and so

Masses of Christians, have been pursuing
for many years, a personal relationship
with their Lord and Saviour
and yet, after all this time;

They, have never even known his real name!!


Proverbs 30:4
who has established all the ends of the earth?
what is His NAME, and what is his Son's NAME,

A brief study in linguistics
To translate is to explain the meaning
of one language using the words of another

To transliterate is to spell a word
using the letters of another language

"I am" is the English translation
of the meaning of God’s personal name

The English transliteration
of God’s personal name is YHVH, or YHWH

With vowels added, YAHVEH or YAHWEH,
being translated to I AM WHO I AM

No matter what language you use,
whether you translate or transliterate,

YHVH's name means "I am who I am"
and it directly points to his real name,
which is the same in all languages

YHVH is the personal NAME of the Creator,
and revealed in the four letters YOD, HEY, VAV, HEY

Although often transliterated as YAHWEH,
It is more accurately transliterated as YAHVEH

V is the better transliteration
as there is there is no letter
in Hebrew like the W (double-U)

The four Hebrew letters transliterated YHVH are:

a Yod, rhymes with "rode", which we transliterate."Y"

a He, rhymes with "say", which we transliterate.…."H"

a Vav, like "lava", which we transliterate "W" or....."V"

a He rhymes with "say", which we transliterate..…."H"

Original Hebrew didn't have any vowels,
and was written right to left

Some of the consonants carry with them
the indication of associated vowel sounds

The Y is associated with the sound of a "long e", as in “beam”

The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah”

The Vav ("W" or "V") is associated with the vowel “u”
and produces the sound in the word "cool"

The H is associated with the sound of a "short a" as “ah!”

Thus, the name of the Creator
sounds something like "ee-ah oo' ah", (Yah-oo' ah)
with the accent on the second of the three syllables

Psalm 68:4
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name:
extol him that rideth upon the heavens
by his name YAH, and rejoice before him

“JAH” is transliterated in Bible but there is no "J" in Hebrew

The name of YAH is related to the Hebrew verb "Hoveh"
which means "to be" ( I am I was I will be)

Therefore "YAH Hoveh" (transliterated as JAH hoveh)
in the present tense means "YAH is"

So therefore, YAH could also
be his actual or abbreviated name

Deut 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:



Even the most ancient of praises
ends with the name YAH

YAH is the last part
of the word "halleluYah" and means "praise YAH"

Now let's take a closer look at the Son's NAME

The Hebrew/Jewish name for the Jewish Messiah is:


Y'SHUAH means
"YAH is Salvation" or "YAH the Saviour"

This sacred name was gradually changed
to "Je-Zeus Khristos" by the pagan masses
who converted and joined the originally Jewish Messianic Sect

Christianity was born, with a mixture
of pagan customs and traditions

Constantine the Great, was a Zeus worshiper,
who converted to Christianity which resulted
in worshipers of the sun god, Zeus,
entering into the Christian religion

YAHU'SHUAH'S abbreviated form of Y'SHUAH
became "Y'Zeus" or Je-Zeus which eventually
became "Jesus" in English

The name "Jesus" was never applied
to the SAVIOUR during his lifetime,
nor for nearly 300 years after
his death and resurrection

The correct name of the Messiah, YAHU'SHUAH,
is the only name by which he was known to his
disciples, though he has several titles such as
Rabbi, Son of Man, Saviour, Anointed, King of Kings

Not even once did he ever hear
himself addressed as "Jesus Christ"

even when the Greek proselytes went to Philip and
said, "We would see YAHU'SHUAH" (John 12:20, 21)

A second witness of such a change
is the translation of Luke 4:27,
where it refers to the prophet "Eliseus"
and an event recorded in 2 Kings 5:14

The Prophet's Hebrew name, however,
was 'Eli'Shuah', which means "God is my Salvation"

The same pagan influence that changed
Y'SHUAH to "Y'Zeus" is reflected in the change
of "Eli'Shuah" to Eli' Zeus ("My God is Zeus")

is used often, in the Tanach (Old Testament)
as well as in the official Jewish daily
and festival prayer books, where it is
generally translated as "Salvation"

The Father's name YHVH
is written using four Hebrew letters
(right to left) YOD HEY VAV HEY

His true Hebrew name is YAHUAH
which means I WAS I AM I WILL BE

The Son's name YAHU'SHUAH
is written using five Hebrew letters
(right to left) YOD HEY VAV SHIN HEY

(The written Shin is pronounced Shu)

"Shu" is a Hebrew root word meaning
SALVATION, deliverance, overcoming,
health, help, prosperity, and welfare

When you add the root "Shu"
to the Father's name between the "u" and the "a"
this results in the Son's name YAHU'SHUAH



YAHUAH the Father sent YAHU'SHUAH his Son
to be SAVIOUR of the entire world

The FATHER's True Hebrew Name is:

The SON's True Hebrew Name is:


Isaiah 52:6
Therefore my people shall know my NAME:

Psalm 9:10
And they that know thy NAME
will put their trust in thee:

John 17:6
I have manifested thy NAME
unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:

John 17:26
And I have declared unto them
thy NAME and will declare it:

John 14:13-14
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my NAME,
that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son
If you ask anything in my NAME I will do it

Acts 4:12
for there is no other NAME under heaven
given among men whereby we must be saved

Rom 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon
the NAME of the Lord shall be saved

May the Father YAHUAH bless you
through his Holy Son YAHU'SHUAH

William Wilbur

Come read: Most Christians will die in their sins

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