Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

"The Selfish Sower"

Gal. 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap
corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap
life everlasting.

When we were young we were always taught that sinning separates us from
God. And that is a very true statement. I don't know how you grew up,
but I grew up strict holiness, where you didn't really know the reason
why, you just knew that it did! Most of the saints back in my day
didn't really care to give you reasons for certain rules that the
church had, but all in all, they were striving to make a difference in
themselves and change the way they were. Well, now, we know that the
change must come for God and cannot be achieved on our own. We now
know that God has the power of change and we must accept his ability
and not our own or we will fail. And sin still separates us from God,
but not in the way most of us are probably thinking it does. Sin is
selfishness! Sin causes you to sow to yourself instead of God. Sexual
immorality and other sins are "self" pleasing attitudes that cause you
to go your own way rather than God's way. That's why God hates sin so
much, because it puts you on a different path than the path he has
ordained for you. You see, selfishness is birthed through insecurity.
Something went wrong in your life that caused you to feel less than who
you really are. Everyone experiences this at some point in their
lives. The enemy does something that can either become life
threatening or life changing. You can decide to overcome it and walk
in who you really are, or you can embrace it and live selfishly, always
pleasing yourself because you feel your past must be made up for.
Selfishness always leads to sin!

Let me put it like this, when you sow to the flesh, you will reap
corruption! God does not have to punish sin, because sin punishes
itself! Sin may feel good for a season, but it will ultimately destroy
you because it's not the proper path that you should be on. That's why
God hates it so much. Not because he is afraid of it and it means the
devil won, but it's because there is a path that he wants for you, and
sin takes you somewhere else. Being selfish is dangerous because you
are always sowing to yourself and needing attention. So, when you
don't get it God's way, you have to manifest ways to keep people
noticing you or to get attention. This is why some people can't let go
of their past, because they need their past so they can bring it up and
make people notice them. Selfishness is a spirit that it is not of
God. God said that a man must first deny himself to follow him. God
doesn't want you and your own agenda, he just wants you. He has your
agenda already set before you, but you must first deny yourself to get
it. Living in sin or practicing a sinful lifestyle will only make your
flesh stronger. If you sow to yourself, you will reap by yourself!
Haven't you noticed that selfish people are always alone? They may
have people around for a while, but once people notice that their focus
is themselves, they will be abandoned. You have to break the spirit of
self off you and allow God to be the one you sow to. Invest in your
walk with him and follow the path he has set for you. All the desires
of the flesh that you are having will disappear once you begin to sow
to the spirit and walk accordingly. You cannot spend your life
struggling with your flesh because if you have not overcome, how can
you help others to? It has to work for you first, then you will be in
position to lead others out of it.

Suggested Reading: Rom. 6:23, Matt. 16:24, 1Cor. 15:34
©2008 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved

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