Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

                       Job 1:16

               Now there was a day when the son of God came to present themselves before the Lord , and satan came also among them .

                       Ephesians 6:11

                Put on the whole armor of God , that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil .

                                            Make no mistakes about this my friends the devil is still alive and well today , he still hates people and still doing what he is allowed and always has done ; which is to steal , kill ,destroy and deceive . The bible lets us know that not only is the devil the father of lies , but the accuser of the brethren . He deceives man by telling the unsaved that God does not exit and if there is a God that he does not love them because of what they go through and tell them also that Jesus is not the way to God !


                                            Know that because we are saved , he accuses us before God on the things that we do that we do that don,t bring God glory just like he accuses Job before God . Know that we are living in a time when so many of us who are saved live and act like the devil does not exist or he cannot harm us . I can tell you that when this is the case, the devil will have us right where he wants us because now all we have done is make his job much easier when it comes to us .


                                            I don't care how anointed we may be are think we are , know that because we walk in the body of flesh , there is always a way that the devil will and can attack us without our thinking that it is him . When this happens we spend so much time blaming the situation and other people when the truth of the matter is , it is the devil himself . now here's the kicker . How can we try to fight againist the devil when we are unaware and uneducated Christian .


                                              So throughout this time we are going to take into the behavior , personality and the attitude of our adversary the devil that we might be better equipped to recognize and not fall for his bag of trickes .

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