Utopia- Have you ever dreamed of what it might be like to live in peace with all man and to live in a world without war, chaos, or pain. Consider a world without competition, where the fight to be better than another does not exist, but rather a united people living and working in harmony without regards to self gain, or wealth, but focused on the united body as a whole. And a world where each man and women is counted and is equal to another. Is this but a dream that I write today? Can mankind find a way to coexist without disagreement or division? Let us look at just a fragment of society and peer into the windows of our churches first, and then the world in a whole.
Let us focus on the people within our communities that attend our churches. Some are members and some simply searching, yet all hearing the voice of our Father and his call to come. Is one greater than another? Does the wealth of a man determine his status even in the church, or can man see to the heart of a man as God does? Do we see each man and women as equal or are there rankings even in our church? Is each person giving the opportunity to serve, or do those rankings hinder what would have been God’s will for that church and thus hindering the church as a whole? Perhaps to heal the world of its problems, we first need to look into the mirror and into our churches. Folks, our churches and God’s people need a healing. Nobody wants to hear negative comments, but the heartbeat of the church is becoming faint, and this is a call to resuscitate it
In part of the Lords prayer we read- Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Obviously I believe the world today is not being run as God would will it. Our country and world is layered in corruption from every level and each year the hope, mankind has for recovering seems to be quenched by the never ending chats of corrupted leaders. But my question as well is how about the church. It is being run as God would will it? Note when I speak of the church, I am not speaking of simply denominations, but rather the entire Christian body as a whole. Are we walking in God’s direct will or not, and if not why not and how should we fix it? Then and only then will the Christian faith be able to truly bring healing to a world full of problems. We must be the light in world full of darkness, and knowledge in a world of ignorance. We must be firm in our belief, yet do all things in love. We must allow God to work within our homes, churches, and communities in manner that truly glorifies God.
I believe each of us dreams of a world where God’s will is done, as it is in Heaven. Let this be our prayer this week as we all search for ways to aid in the restoration of our churches, our country and our world. We may not be able to bring total utopia, but thru Jesus Christ we sure can bring a lot more peace. There was an old tee-shirt I remember that said this phrase: Know Jesus- Know peace, No Jesus- No peace. To bring peace to the world, let’s take Jesus to the people today.
Richard A. Kent
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