best translation I could get of the above: I have much what to count, therefore the ways are narrow and smooth where people pass one to slide. Penxs… paper… and words, in my soul Are friends who comfort me to as much, therefore to relieve are what it matters. I go writing my pains… Scribbling my loves and dreaming in my deliriums. With the full chest of pain, I cry in thought… and with the open heart I go writing love poetries. Love… affection… and affection, all we have Obligations, therefore a trajectory is not mine therefore… therefore then helps me in the lições… Prá not to cry tomorrow, blaming always somebody… and not to have that to complain of. Of this trajectory I have homesicknesses, therefore it is my board of same salvation… and in the anxiety story with you my brother… requesting its pardon. In my verses and trovas, always I am run over by this candy passion… and with all sincerity I write what it is latent in my heart.
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