Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

(« Octoccata Freeway » based on Interstate Shield)

« Vibrastinato, » the third movement from « Octoccata, » gets its name from the combination of vibraphone and ostinato, and features an abundance of polyrhythms.

The section begins in « Modern Poligrafic Ensemble » mode featuring Christian taking the lead role on the vibraphone. When writing the piece I imagined that, in a live setting, he would be using a MIDI controller instead of a real vibraphone in order to enable him to quickly return to the drum kit once the vibes part is done with. At this point we haven't verified if it's practicable or not, but I'm sure we'll figure out something.

The remainder of the movement is based on an exercise I used to repeat on the keyboards as a way of getting accustomed to shifting from one cross-rhythm to another.

And that being said, let's not forget the good Doctor Graf's hawker who is still attempting to convince the crowd of the innumerable powers of O·c·t·a·T·o·n·i·c, the sure-fire cure for anything and everything...

The good doctor recommends it
To all who do not feel so great
And even to those who are fit
To strengthen and invigorate
To its virtues there's no limit
All diseases it will negate
Try it and you too will admit
Mine is no overestimate

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