Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Lebenslauf » by Adi Holzer)

« Vigilance » is the second of a series of short segues that I have composed in order to combine already existing pieces into one larger, continuous whole.

Each of the segues highlights a quality or an ability cultivated along a difficult journey, contributing to the successful completion of the challenge.

Again, I won’t reveal the title of the parts, nor of the completed collage, hoping to keep the surprise for the moment of the unveiling of the entire work.

Those of you familiar with the repertoire of Poligraf will possibly recognize some of the themes that are revisited in each of the transitions, and will thus perhaps be able to guess the whole, along with the respective roles of each of the segues.

Following is the poetry that complements the instrumental demo :

increasing are the stakes
as i approach the hall
one slip is all it takes
and from heaven i fall

unconcerned by the flakes
straining against the squall
stable despite the quakes
determined to stand tall

vultures hover in wakes
their squawking won't appall
reminded of my aches
i stay clear of the brawl

nor will slithering snakes
by their hissing enthrall
dwelling on past mistakes
only prolong the crawl

ongoing at all times
whether i wished or not
unaware of my crimes
ended up in a knot

forgetful of the rhymes
i lost sight of the plot
unheeding of the chimes
i gave all to my shot

crossing the great divide
provide steady progress
don't mind that it's too wide
do the next step address

don't let the slightest sign
fade away unnoticed
consent and realign
and forever persist

don't watch the spider trap
the fly heralding change
keep on bridging the gap
while success is in range

avoid the distraction
resist the temptation
lest precious attention
be drained to oblivion

for want of a cheap thrill
feel the pull of evil
indolence does mind kill
the rule is primeval

what's another setback
for us life's do-overs ?
it's learn to duck the whack
or redo the hours

fate blesses the wakeful
and spares them from torment
beautiful dutiful
earn your golden moment

until ultimately
at the end of the wire
appearing suddenly
in regal attire

the guardian of the hall
beckons you with a grin
smashes down the last wall
and bows to let you in

Views: 26


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