VOC hosts the "Christian Prophetic Poets & Writers Retreat," and it's premier Prophetic School of the Scribe.

Sessions include group activities, individual activities, homework and hands-on demonstrations. Session Descriptions are available online at
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
3PM-5PM Participant Check-In/Vendor Setup
6PM-7:25PM -- Vending
7:30PM-9:30PM Evening Service
Pageantry of the Arts
Keynote Speaker
Thursday, October 27
6AM - 6:30AM -- Intercession
8AM-9AM Late Check-In/Vending
9AM - 9:50AM - General Session
"Unlocking Your Purpose & Destiny" -- Prophetess Tarsha Campbell
10:00AM - 11:45AM -- Foundation Building: The Ministry of the Scribe
Apostle Theresa Johnson
11:50AM - 12:50PM -- Break for Lunch
1PM - 3:50PM -- Advanced Scribal Ministry
Apostle Theresa Johnson
4PM - 5:15PM The Chamber of the Scribe
(A time of Discussion, Comments & Impartation)
5:15PM - 7:25PM Dinner/Free Time
(PRIVATE: Dinner w/VOC Directors)
7:30PM Evening Service
Keynote Speaker
Vending Opens Up
Friday, October 28
6:00AM - 6:30AM -- Intercession
8:30AM - 9:50AM - Apostolic Praise & Worship: Reforming the Order of Worship
Apostle Tonita Patterson
10AM -- 11:50AM -- SPECIAL SESSION: Scribal Warfare: Summoning the Commanders of the City
Apostle Theresa Johnson
Noon to 12:55PM -- Vending/Lunch
1PM - 1:50PM -- Scribes Who Dream Dreams
Prophetess Nicole Henderson
2PM - 2:50 PM -- The Significance of Recording Dreams & Visions
Apostle Theresa Johnson & Prophetess Nicole Henderson
3PM - 4:25PM -- Spiritually Critiquing Literary Works
Apostle Theresa Johnson
4:30PM - 5:15PM -- Bridging the Gap Between the Hebrew & the Christian
Minister Geoffrey "Avshalom" Chambers
5:15PM - 7:25PM -- Vending/Dinner/Free Time
7:30PM -- Evening Service
Keynote Speaker
Saturday, October 29
6:00AM - 6:30AM Intercession
8:15AM - 8:55AM -- Chamber of the Scribe (Impartation/Discussion)
9:00AM - 11:55AM -- Book Publishing Intensive
Prophetess Tarsha L. Campbell
Noon - 12:55PM -- Lunch/Vending
Afternoon Sessions (Between 1PM - 3PM) - Three Breakouts
(You will need to select your breakout)
Write Where It Hurts - Jo Ann Fore (Limited Space Available )
The Set Apart Way - Ministers Anthony & Sepia Gladden
Ministering/Evangelizing Youth Teens & Young Adults - Minister Sondra Jimmerson
3:15PM - 5:30PM -- Closing Ceremonies, Impartation, Prayer, Anointing Service
2011 Christian Prophetic Poets & Writer’s Retreat: Summoning the Commanders of the City
Wednesday-Saturday, October 26-29, 2011
http://schoolofthescribe.com LOCATION:
750 Mount Carmel
McDonough, Georgia 30253
Pastor Eddie Mason, Sr., Southside Christian Fellowship, Georgia
Minister Tabitha McGowan, DOXA International, Georgia
Apostles Henry & Tonita Patterson, Salt and Fire Apostolic Prophetic Training Center, North Carolina
Prophetess Ursula Wright, UWright Ministries, Florida
Apostle Theresa Harvard Johnson, Retreat Host
Voices of Christ Literary Ministries International, GA
Ezekiel 9:1-3 CJB, “Then he cried loudly right in my ears: "Summon the commanders of the city, each holding his weapon of destruction." 2 At once, six men approached on the path from the upper gate, to the north, each man holding his weapon of destruction. Among them was a man clothed in linen, with a scribe's writing equipment at his waist.”
The 2011 Christian Prophetic Poets Writers Retreat: Summoning the Commanders of the City is the only writers gathering where prophetic scribes, scribal apostles and scribal prophets can come to receive in-depth understanding concerning their prophetic call to write. Truthfully, there are no other writing conferences, workshops or retreats that offer this specific type of instruction and guidance for these unique ministers of the Gospel under The Scribal Anointing.
While there is a definite need to polish skill, learn about publishing trends, marketing or otherwise build one's writing career, we believe the greater need is to build the spirit man and to prepare the scribe for the effective work of the ministry. We are convinced that once scribes learn Father's original purpose and intent for their scribal gifting that they will be prepared to walk in purpose, on purpose. Our team of instructors are mature believers whose training in the writing and publishing industry alone spans more than 40 years; but more importantly each one of them have a passion to see God's scribes; walk in the power of intercession; move in their ministries based on hearing Father's voice and to be effective witnesses of the Gospel.
GROUP RATES AVAILABLE. Transportation & Hotels Listed on Website.
+Early Bird Registration: February 1 - April 30.
+Regular Registration: May 1 - July 31
+Late Registration: August 1-October 7
+Registration closes October 7. No onsite registration.
For more information call 678.826.0648 or email retreat@voicesofchrist.org.
Anointed Works Sanctified Destinies Presents …
Apostle Theresa Harvard Johnson “The Voice of Psalms 45:1”
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