Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Wait, Pt. 2

Job 14:14 If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed
time will I wait, till my change come.

I remember being young and irritating my parents by asking for things over
and over again. When my parents would say wait, I would keep asking and
usually ask my way right up to a beat down! I would never get whatever it
was I was asking for because I was being disobedient by constantly asking
after I was told to wait. This was no way to get what I desired and now
that I have kids, I understand just how irritating this can be. Especially
when it's something that I feel my children aren't ready for at this time.
When they keep asking after I have spoken, it gets on my last nerve and
usually I will say forget it! Well, how must God feel when we will
constantly ask for the same things over and over after he has required us
to wait? It's a sign of distrust and shows God that you do not trust his
judgement. I know we get very spiritual and start calling it the devil and
praying that our blessing be loosed from the devil's hands and command that
it get here right away, but when you mature as a son of God, you know when
he says wait, it's not the devil! God knows what's best and he knows when
it's time for things to be released and your season will start when you get
where you need to be to receive it.

There are so called "Christian" rappers and hip hoppers that hate my guts.
They make songs about me and literally try to destroy my life because they
say I am making too much money and my travel/speaking schedule is greater
than theirs so they want me to either acknowledge them or make room so they
can "minister" too. They even call my engagements and try to get them
cancel and say they are Christian rappers? They think I have just blown up
out of no where and the ministry has gone global cause I wanted it to. But
they weren't there when I was homeless, living in a car, eating when and
where I could. They weren't there when I was so down on my life that I
attempted suicide on several occasions. When I was living in a 1 bedroom
apt. with 2 kids and a wife for 7 years, where were they? I was living off
75.00 a week and struggling to find a job, I don't remember seeing them
there. You see, I had to wait. 12 years I waited as God taught me the EX
Ministries messages. 12 Years I laid before him, never seeking to blow up
or get rich, but just loving him so much that I decided if that was all, I
would settle, because I just wanted to please God. But these rappers and
new pop up ministries are ministers for 5 minutes and ready to get in the
pulpit or on stage? They were thugs in the street, got saved, and
immediately became thugs for Christ and ready to rap at the next youth
conference? They don't know how long it took for EX Ministries to be
birthed and they don't realize that God's hand formed it, not mine! Sure,
he has blessed me now, but I had to wait. What did I do while I was waiting
all those years? I worked a job and took care of my family the best way I
could. I was content, but I'm human, so I did desire more. Yet I never let
my desire steer my direction or change my mind about God and his plan. I
trusted God and never questioned his judgments. When he said wait, I
trusted him and believed he knew what was best for me. If you notice, God
called people in the bible that were busy taking care of their families,
working, and content where they were. He never called anyone that was
praying and seeking purpose and trying to find a job in God! He never
called anyone that was purpose driven or constantly asking him for things
that a job and work is suppose to bring. God blessed and increased those
that were content where they were. He had to almost force those guys he
used in the bible to do his work because they were secure in who they were
and didn't try to use God to get what working a job would get them! God is
looking for a people that will trust him enough to wait on his plan to
unfold in their lives. He wants a people that will work jobs, take care of
business, and just lay before him until he is ready for them, and not when
they are ready for him!

Suggested Reading: Hab. 2:3, Psa. 37:9, Is. 40:3, Psa. 145:15

©2008 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved

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