Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

In the movie Waiting To Exhale, there were four women waiting to get taken by a man. Some of us are waiting to get where God wants us to go in ministry and in life. And we ask God, Lord how long do I have to wait? But I want you to  know that it's time to get up and try something. God will move when you move. Put your faith in action and go for it.


In Jerusalem, there was a pool called Bethesda and in the Hebrew, Bethesda means place of mercy. Lam. 3:21-23 This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies, we are not consumed, because his compassion fail not. They are brand new every morning.


This pool has five porches where people would come and lay in wait. There was a porch of poverty, a porch of sickness, a porch of drug abuse, a porch of broken spirits, and a porch of ministerial procrastination.

There's a Bethesda in each of our lives, some  are blind, can't see what God has for us because of not being in the Word of the Lord, don't want to pray and can't receive a revelation from God; Some are lame, can't move to the next level, because  we get comfortable in one position and afraid to take a leap of faith.

But perfect love cast out all fear. Others are paralyzed, stuck in the baby stage and refuse to grow.  Waiting on the move of the water, waiting on someone to put us in the pool of anointing.

We need to understand that God has a central point for every area of our lives to operate and it's called time. Earthly time means rush. We have fast food, rush hour traffic, instant potatoes and rice. We're in such a hurry that we don't wait for anything. Time is the world's worst enemy. The only place time is your friend is in the spirit realm. To a spirit filled person, time stabilizes and nurtures; time heals. This is your time people of God, whatever situation you're in, it's time to be blessed. 

In this season, God is sending angels to stir up the waters of your life. God is moving by His Spirit to release your blessing.

Don't miss the move of God, allow him to stir up the gift that's resting in you. I don't care what it looks like, God has a miracle designed just for you


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