Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

) I put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; and I put on love, the bond of perfection.
2) I welcome the peace of God to rule my heart.
3) I allow the Word of God to dwell in my heart richly in all wisdom,
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in my heart to the Lord.
4) Whatever I do, I do in word and in deed in the name of Jesus, giving
thanks to God the Father through Him.
5) I put on Christ because I have been baptized in Him. I put on the Lord Jesus as a garment.
6) I put on the breastplate of faith and love.
7) I put on zeal.
8) I put on mercy and truth around my neck.
9) I put on the armor of light.
10) I place on myself the mind of Christ. I let this mind (the mind of
Christ) be in me.
11) I meditate on your word day and night. You are faithful to perform
your word. You will bring it to completion. You are faithful to
complete the work you have begun in me and my life.
12) Let the meditation of my heart and the words of my mouth be pleasing
unto you O Lord. I will open my mouth and you will fill it.
13) I place a guard on my mouth. I commit my mouth to you Lord that I
may not sin against you.
14) You Lord are seated high above all authority, power, dominion and
might. Nothing is too difficult for you.
15) I place the armor of righteousness on my right and left hands.
16) I put on strength. I clothe myself with strength for the battle. You are
looking for a pure heart whose heart you can strengthen.
17) I thank you for a shield of favor about me.
18) I plead the blood over my body, mind, will, soul, and emotions.
I repent of all sins. I will not fear the arrow by day or the terror by
19) I put on the garment of salvation. We are clothed with salvation.
20) I put on the helmet of hope.
21) I put on the robe of righteousness.
22) I put on the blue ephod.
23) I ask for the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom.
24) I ask for the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and
25) I am anointed, appointed, called, marked, chosen, beloved, accepted,
and not rejected in Jesus’ name.
26) I put on as a helmet the hope of salvation.
27) Help me Lord to be sober and vigilant; watchful in the spirit; and aware of the enemy, the devil. Wake me up spiritually.
28) I rule and reign with Christ Jesus.
29) Lord, you cover my head; you have covered my head in the day of battle.
30) The word is our shield and buckler.
31) I loose myself from the bonds of my neck. I tie down my enemies in the spirit realm. I reverse the words of those who curse me, send evil against me, and send evil against the work of the Lord. I send all evil back to them 7 times in the name of Jesus. May they be brought to their knees by the Lord Jesus to repentance that they may be saved, healed, filled, and delivered in Jesus’ mighty name. I reverse every assignment, trap, snare, wile, and evil plan or attack against me from Satan and his angels, demons, imps, principalities, rulers of the darkness, powers, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, or spirits of any kind. I silence them and their words or curses. I clothe them with confusion as with a mantle. I cancel all assignments against me. I make all word curses null and void.
32) I ask the Lord to send legions of angels to minister to me, protect me, battle for me, minister healing and restoration, and to surround me in the name of Jesus.
33) I love, bless, and forgive those who persecute me and say all manner of evil against me for the sake of your righteousness.
34) Help me Lord to be strong in the Lord and in His power, exercise the authority over the devil which you have given me, stand against the devil, wrestle and warfare, put on my armor daily, pray without ceasing, intercede, and fight the good fight of faith. Amen

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